Chapter 6 The Loss of a Friend and Teammate

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Weeks passed since that fateful day. No one from team flash came to Star Labs because it only reminded them of what happened.

Iris spent most of her time with Kamilla in mirrorverse and in doing that, they were also able to find Chief Singh.

Once found, Chief Singh was given the devastating news and he was just as heartbroken as Iris and the rest of the city was.

In the real world; Cisco sat at home watching the TV. That was the only thing he felt like doing since if he did anything else, it would remind him of Barry. He also chose to watch TV because ever since finding Barry's body, he had been getting nightmares and small visions of Barry saying "Where were you and the team when I needed you?".

Caitlin also sat at home but instead of watching the TV, she was building a machine that Cisco had given blueprints for that would bring Iris, Kamilla and Chief Singh out of the mirror world. These blueprints were made before Barry's death.

A knock was heard from Caitlin's apartment door. She walked over to the door and opened it to find Ralph.

"Hey" Caitlin smiled slightly.

"You mind if I come in?" Ralph asked.

"Sure" Caitlin said with a nod. She then moved to the side so that Ralph could walk in.

"What are you working on?" Ralph asked, walking over to the machine and looking at the plans for it.

"A machine that can hopefully bring Iris, Kamilla and Chief Singh out of the mirrorverse" Caitlin said.

"Do you mind if I help?" Ralph asked.

"Sure. I need another set of hands anyway" Caitlin said. Ralph and Caitlin then got to work on finishing the machine.

Joe walked up to Barry's grave and kneeled down in front of it. As he did that, he laid some flowers that were Barry's favourite. They were also Nora's favourite. Hence why Barry liked them so much. Because they were his mother's favourite flowers and they reminded him of how beautiful and how caring his mother was.

"Hey Barr" Joe said, now resting his head on the top of the headstone.

"I'm sorry I haven't been coming here a lot. It's just....with what happened, it's been extremely difficult to visit you" Joe continued, now breaking down into tears.

"I never imagined that this would happen to you. With all the bad stuff that's happened to you in your life, I never imagined this" Joe sobbed.

As Joe continued to talk to Barry, Eva was looking from the distance. Now she had her next target. The captain of the police force. With him out of the way, the police force will be vulnerable and she'll be unstoppable.

She then looked down at her gauntlet and put Joe on her target list. But the number one priority was her own husband. She then left the cemetery.

In the mirrorverse, Chief Singh came to the mirror version of Star Labs with Kamilla and Iris.

"I still can't believe he's gone" Chief Singh said as he sat in the cortex with tears slowly running down his face.

"What happened to Barry? I'm just wondering since you saw what happened" Kamilla asked Iris. Iris didn't really feel comfortable telling what happened but at the same time she knew that if she didn't tell the story, it would cause her even more pain.

"Eva created a double of me and sent her to do numerous tasks. When Barry found out, he cornered her at the loft and they had a fight. It resulted in my mirror self stabbing Barry and then Eva hurting him even more. When Eva and my mirror version were gone, Barry and I talked and then he died right in front of me" Iris said tearfully.

"IRIS!" Caitlin's voice suddenly yelled. Iris looked around, wondering where Caitlin's voice was coming from.

"Over here" Caitlin's voice said. Iris looked over at a mirror in the cortex and saw Caitlin and Ralph on the other end of it.

"Guys?" Iris said.

"We've got the machine working. You, Kamilla and Chief Singh are able to come through now" Caitlin said. Chief Singh and Kamilla walked over to the mirror as well and were shocked.

Iris looked at Kamilla and Chief Singh before slowly walking through. Iris was now back in the real world. Kamilla went through second and lastly, Chief Singh. Once they were all through, the mirror shattered into a million pieces. Destroying the mirror world.

Iris, Kamilla and Chief Singh thanked Ralph and Caitlin with hugs.


Iris walked into the apartment and sat down on the couch. As she did, she saw the wedding picture of her and Barry. Tears started to form in her eyes. She could never imagine her life without Barry but now, she was forced to live her life without Barry. That's what he would want.

"Iris" A voice suddenly whispered. Iris flinched.

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