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Assalamualikum everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy and happy. In these difficult times, we shouldn't lose hope and keep our tawakkul in Allah as strong as ever. Because difficult times are sent to test our trust and patience.

The 4 unbreakable promises from Allah Almighty in the Quran:So remember me; I will remember you | Baqarah 152.If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favors] | Ibrahim 7.Call upon Me, I will respond to you | Ghafir 70.And Allah (SWT) will not punish them, while they seek forgiveness | Al-Anfaal 33.


Another reason for this A/n is that I've decided on the cast to play the characters of Arsalan and Malaika. Feel free to imagine your own cast if you want to. But I can't help but imagine these two to play my characters.

Without further ado...

Toni Mahfud as Arsalan Abdul Aziz

Toni Mahfud as Arsalan Abdul Aziz

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Esra Bilgiç as Malika Ali Khan

Esra Bilgiç as Malika Ali Khan

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