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All the non-English word and Islamic term meanings will be given at the end of the chapter. Be sure to check that out.

Breathe, darling. This is just a chapter. It's not whole story.


It was finally the weekend. One week at work and I'm already tired, I wonder how I'm going to keep up. I let out a deep sigh that consisted of nothing but boredom and washed the bowl that I just had my cereal in. It was very early still and most of us were asleep like Ammi and abbu and bhai and bhabi, I don't know about the other two brothers.

I was feeling really bored by myself hence climbed up to the 2nd floor, maybe I'll talk to Osman or see what Owais is up to. Loud voices were coming from Wee's room like someone was arguing. I peeked inside the room, thankfully the door was open.

Osman seemed to be scolding Owais for something while he stared at him. What in the world is going on here?!? They never fight. And I mean it never. It was a gloomy environment.

"What were you thinking?!? Do you know how many things could go wrong, Do you even care about this family anymore?!" Osman's words ringed in my mind as I gasped at the harshness.

"You don't get me Bhai." Owais replied calmly, his tone very different from the other.

"I don't get you? What you did could harm this family, emotionally and who knows physically!" Osman exclaimed in a rather harsh tone but his reply was a whiper.

Emotionally? Physically? hurt? words were swimming around in my head. Did Owais get in trouble? Did something happen? Is it bad? It must be for Osman to behave this way.

"Owais, it will come back to bite you, remember my words then." Osman replied in a tone of finality which also had a bit of tiredness in it. He turned around leaving Owais standed in the centre of the room looking down and I quickly moved back and stood at the side.

He walked out and had a bit of surprise cross his features when he looked at me but he didn't say anything and I didn't ask. He turned around and walked downstairs probably to get away from the house and clear his head.

I let out a sigh and gathered my thoughts. I made a small dua to Allah and looked inside to see Owais standing in the same position but this time he had tears flowing down his face. Wee?

I knocked the door and entered and closed the door behind me. I just went towards him and stood in front of him. I didn't know what to do, I wasn't the best person to offer comfort to someone especially to him but I just can't leave my baby brother like this.

He moved to sit on the bed while still small sobs came from him. I just moved and sat beside him. I will be there for him whether he needs me or not. Questions can be asked later but for now I just want to be there for him.

It took a bit of time before he quitened down and silence consumed the room, none of us willing to break because we don't have a good chemistry to fill it.

I looked at him and knew that I had to tell something, anything. "Wee..." He peeked at me and I sat cross legged on the bed and took his hands in mine really slowly. He turned towards me as his limp hands were held by mine, I squeezed a bit and gave him a small smile, Taking a deep breath I released the words from my system.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me and neither will I ask you but hey remember I'll always be here to listen to you. I know you don't need me or want me but even after that I'll always want you to be able to come to me. I want you to be happy Owais. Just that." I whispered out as my hands squeezed his ever so gently.

"It isn't even that big of a deal..." He whispered. As his eyes started filling up again.

"Wee, it's okay baby." I whispered out as I pulled him in my arms and held him against myself as he let out his tears.

It took quite a while but he eventually quitened down. We stayed in this position for a long while. He didn't reciprocate my hug, he didnt hold onto me, he was limp in my arms and I expected that. I dont know if he will ever hold me again.

I pulled back and gave him a small smile. "Better?"

He moved back, wiping his face and nodded. "Thanks.." He whispered.

I got up and ruffled his hair, "I just want you to be happy." I said in a small voice as he looked at me and let out words that hurt deep in my heart.

"You cant expect that from me Di, not when you are the major reason why I'm like this." He grabbed my hand and pushed it away as tears started forming in my eyes. 'It's not his fault Mika, it's okay be strong' my conscience spoke up.

I gave him a small defeated smile and slowly walked out of his room and climbed downstairs and entered mine. I slowly shut the door and slide against the door.

Tears find their way on my face and I sobbed for who know how long, all the words running through my head, the memories that I've tried to lock away and tried getting rid of many times, find their way out and slowly start filling up my head, I dont wanna feel this way. Why Allah? Why me? Please ya Rab stop this pain! I cried out in a whisper as I grab my head due to pain and frustration.
When will this end Ya Rab? When will I find peace with it? Will I ever ya Rab? Question swirl in my head, the process tiring me out and dulling me out of consciousness. I sagged against the door with my head cradled in my arms.

3rd person pov

He was guilty but sadness outweighs that guilt. He knew it wasnt that bad that could go wrong but he also knew there is not much that could go right.

His family would face the problems because of his foolishness but he didn't mind, not yet atleast.

He was scared for her and himself and for his family and for Ibrahim. He wanted everyone to be fine. Or was it too late.

1) Y Rab- Oh God



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