Chapter 5

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Will stood at the wheel of the boat. He urged to go under water, but could because his own daughter was on board. He watched as his father walked around the deck. Will called Jimmy Legs to steer the ship. Will walked down to the deck to his father.

“What’s wrong?” Will asked.

“That girl in the brig-“ bootstrap started.

“I know its Zia.” Will insured

“I went to see her when she first came aboard but I didn’t pay any attention to her till now.” Bootstrap said. “What you going to do now?”

“Still working it out.” Will said looking over board. “Do you know where to find Jack?”

“I heard he was in Tortuga.”

“Ok. We’ll have to go and get him.”

“But how? None of us can go ashore.” Bootstrap warned

“I know, but I know someone who can.” Will said turning back to his father.

“What. Are you going to send your only daughter to a island controlled by pirates that are drunk?!”

“That's the only when to get Jack.” Will said. “She’ll have a sword.”

“It better be a good one.”

“It will be a sword I made.” Will said pulling a sword out from its holder.

“Is that…” Bootstrap said

“Yes. I’m sure she’ll be fine. She is my daughter.” Will said

“Fine. I’ll tell Jimmy to head to Tortuga. Go tell Zia whats going to happen.”

Will nodded his head in agreement and headed for the brig.

Zia sat in the cell facing the porthole. She didn’t hear Will come in until he called her name.

“Zia. Come here.” Will said calmly.

“Does it involve me getting home?” Zia asked


“Does it involve me finding out what really happen to my father.”

“I’ll tell you when you do what I want you to.” Will said. He really didn’t want tell her, but it was the only way.

“Fine.” Zia said getting up turning around and going to Will, “what do you want me to do?”

“The ship is heading to Tortuga now and we need you to go on land to find a man by the name of Jack Sparrow.” Will said

Zia looked at him confused. “You want me to go to Tortuga to get Jack Sparrow on a pirate infested island!”


“And he is going to take me home?”


“You make no sense. He’s a pirate! What if he doesn’t listen to me?” Zia asked

“If he says why, tell him the Dutchman wants him.” Will said.

Zia looked confused again. “Ok, anything to get me home and find out why my mother’s been lying to me.”

“Great. I’ll send someone to get you when we get there.” Will said standing up and leaving with a felling in his stomach that he didn’t want to tell Zia about what happened to him.

Zia went back to the porthole and looked out.

“I’ll finally find out what really happened.” She said to herself.


Thanks for reading

if anyone has any ideas about what i could put in the story, please message me. also if anyone has a better name for the story, message me as well.



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