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Zap. Max could feel every inch of her body. Zap. The pain just kept coming through but why? Again. Zap her screamed muffled by the rubber stuck in her mouth WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! Max thought Zap. She started to cry but Max never cries. NEVER. Zap. that's all she could her was Zap Zap Zap. until finally. It stopped. Cold and Sweaty Max took in as many deep breaths as she could you never know what's coming next or the next time you could ever have a break with the whitecoats you never get a break. Someone took hold of Max's face and pulled out the rubber stopper out of her mouth leaving spit to run down Maximum's chin. its not like she could hurt them they pinned her to the table anyway. Max finally had the courage to open her eyes only to find the lights she feared. it burned she eyes so much she turned to her side blinking away the blur "You can still fight Max. You just have to try" said a familiar voice Max looked up. Jeb. "Max you can get free. You can fight this You can fix the mistakes I've made and make a better world have to trust you instinct-"

"And why should I trust you?! You are trying to get my to trust that what you are saying is true and that I should follow it? Yet I'm the one strapped to a medical table in a place that I would rather die than to be at. If I trust you in the end I will be the one strapped to the medical table. Not you." The rage Maximum felt was no match for the pain she would feel in the next few minutes she has so many emotions with no way or no one to express them to she could use the wind and the wide open space of the sky but all she had was a cage and the memories of what once was.

"Where's my family Jeb?" she couldn't help but ask. "There here too Max. There here too." As he patted her head and gave her a kiss on the forehead Max was too weak and too sad to fight all she could do was hold in the tears. Having me is understandable but my family?! they don't deserve to be test tubes they deserve more?! Max couldn't help but think My Iggy... Fang... Angel What's happening to them now? cutting through her train of thought "I know Max. And you wouldn't be here unless they wanted to run more tests I tried everything I could but I failed you. I'm so sorry Max.-" they started to push Jeb out of the room forcing him out the door. "I'm sorry-" they forced the rubber stopper back into Max's mouth and as Max layer there she let out a single tear before cranking the electricity higher then she ever thought they could.

*End of Dream*

Max awoke terrified and sweaty she jolted up right taking deep breaths she looked around remembering where she was. She touched her face acidentally wiping some sweat in the process as she looked around the room trying to find something that would hold her upright when she walked if she could walk she shrugged what do I have to lose? she moved to the edge of the bed and took a deep breath but before she could do anything someone walked in.

Tall and fair faced Dean came in with a plater Breakfast? Dean could see what Max was trying to accomplish and he wouldn't have any of it as he quickly but down the plater and rushed to Max side he crouched down in front of Max examining her face he put both of his hands on the side of her face "Hey. You Okay?" his deep voice sounding very sincere Max had no words she only nodded "Well you need to stay in bed" getting up to retrive the plater "and rest bought you breakfast figured you'd be hungry like a horse-"

"Thank you Dean." Max finally spoke "But I'd rather eat out there with you and your brother." Dean looked at her from across the room unsure if she was ready to be moved but seeing this look on his face "Ill be fine Dean ive been through way more than a bruised ankle" Giving in Dean carried Max to the living room of the Men of Letters bunker.

It was bigger than Max thought to have imagined or remembered the walls olive white and bricks felt like home. I wasn't long until they had reached there destination the main room of the Men of Letters bunker was like a full front library. With many tables chairs and comfy one seat chairs it was like stepping in somewhere quiet but it was far from that. Sam sat at the table with a unseemingly large pile of books in front and around him, looking up from his reading he noticed Dean and Max and quickly stood up grabing his chair while Dean placed Max slowly and delicately into it "I'll be back let me get your breakfast." He said starting back to the room leaving her alone with Sam.

"Hi. You feeling better?" He asked

Max nodded "Yeah a little Dean wanted me to stay in bed but.... I didn't want to be stuck in there."

She had remembered that day in her dream it would be months before her escape. and maybe more months before the escape of her family she closed her eyes I hope not Max thought as she fiddled with the tips of her fingers.

"Is everything alright?" Sam asked, remembering his presence. She looked up from her fingers with eyes close to tears but not here not in front of these strangers. She took a deep breath, "Yeah. There are just something's I've got to do." As she tried to smile genuinely which in turn failed miserably. "Dean told me everything I know about you and you're family, and you're dad-"

"Look I'm trying not be rude but I really don't want to talk about myself, it's- lets just say it's a touchy subject." He nodded and apologized for his "rude" behavior, which is something whitecoats never do possibly in their lifetime.

Max finally in the awkward silence that followed she was able to examine Sam and Dean's home comfy and very outdated something seemed off. Rows and rows of books seemed to cover every inch of the walls around them and from what Max could tell, they were on werewolves, vampires, and something called a wendigo. But Max didn't say anything she was just waiting for the right time to show she wasn't at all clueless. Like the whitecoats thought she was. But could they just be obsessed with twilight or did these things really exist?

"I'm Back!" Dean announced as he entered into the facility with a plater full of food. Max stomach growled loudly enough for Sam to hear. "It's good trust me."

As Dean put the plater in front of Max it revealed to be eggs, bacon, coffee, and orange juice. "I didn't know if you like coffee or if you're a big eater so I made a lot." Sam gave Dean a look "Dean there is not way Max is going to finish that that is a big portion for someone you're size!"

But before they could argue more Max interrupted "Actually Sam I really am a big eater, thank you Dean." And pick up the fork and started eating.

When Dean finally sat down and examined the books Sam was reading while Sam was busy reading a book of his own that titled: Ancient Curses.

These guys are really biblical.

It wasn't until Max's curiosity sparked that she asked "So what do you guys do for a living?" Caught off guard they both looked up at the same time. "What?" Sam said, "I said, 'what do you guys do for a living?'" She asked again.

They looked at each other then back at Max, "We hunt things, the bad things that go bump in the night" she raised an eyebrow "yeah cause Twilight is more than just a movie." She joked sarcastically. "No," Sam continued "we're hunters."
Hello! The Writer here!

I got a message to update and I thought why not I'm sorry I have not updated in a while, frankly I'm so busy I haven't had time to write but I had a plan on where I wan this to go I already have this chapter written. So I hope you liked it, comment, vote, and share on your favorite chapters (the ones I have so far) and hopefully I will update soon.

Thanks so much for reading you guys are the best!
-Glendy aka The Writer.

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