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As Promised, i give you the new chapter, remember i entered in #Watty2015 so Share, vote, and comment. Thank's Guys so much! you guys give me so much good feedback and support it really mean a lot!

BTW, this is possibly a short chapter but there is more on the way! i am dedicating tomorrow are a writing day now that i have finished my finals, AND PASSED! Anyway here you go.

Hope you like it. You Guys are the best!

Glendy aka The Writer.


It wasn't long after that Sam and Dean started to explain the actual meaning of what it is to be a hunter and the more and more they explained the more worried I got. They said they hunted bad things-- abominations, in this world, things that shouldn't exist but do. And I'm one of them. I am an abomination and I shouldn't be here, but I don't want to tell Sam or Dean yet. I need to know if I can trust them beforehand, enough so that when I do tell them they can let me understand why I didn't tell them. I just can't stand the thought of hurting there feelings even though it's been a few days (two) I can't-

"Max!" Someone yelled in the bunker. Max turned around faster than anything it's been months since someone yelled her name like that to be summoned, not the person you love being ripped from you. "Max its Sam can you come?" He yelled again.

"Yeah I'll be right there." She replied, as she grabbed the crouches that stood beside the desk. Dean had gone to the hospital and paid off some nurse to get the crunches but haven't told Max about it, if it wasn't for Sam. She wouldn't have been able to overhear there conversation about it. It was a nice jester, as much as Dean was willing to carry Max all through the bunker he wanted her to have some freedom. But even though Max heals quick she still needed a few days before the healing was done.

Sam and Dean sat opposite each other, Sam with his laptop and Dean with a pile of books surrounding him as if he was studding for a very important test, it wasn't until Max came into view that Sam looked up from his laptop, while Dean was engrossed in his reading.

"Hey! Glad you were able to make it." He said cheerfully as he pulled out the seat next to him. Thanking him kindly, she sat down and put the crunches to the floor. "So what's up?" She started. "Well I thought since we are officially a team and Max knows about hunting we should have a group session." At this Dean looked up from his book giving a puzzled look at Sam. "What?" He said, confused. "Never mind, so what did you have in mind?" Dean asked. Max was curious as well, from what she could see Sam pulled up another window from his laptop showing side by side a newspaper article and a Connors report. Giving his laptop to Dean he started "there's a suspicious death not far from here, in Topeka, a man 35 years old was in his house on night and was attacked. No brake in, doors were perfectly fine, and nothing was stolen from the house but he was with bite marks all over his neck and upper body. and the only witness claimed it was Edward from twilight that killed him." Dean looked up from reading the article "so vamps?" Sam nodded "Yeah."

They both turned to Max, "Why are you guys looking at me like that?" she asked. "well we just wanted to know how you feel, we can't leave you here by yourself and we can't take you on the hunt but you have to come with us all the same-" Dean interrupted Sam before he could say anymore. "what he is trying to say is. are you okay in coming with us in this hunt i know you don't know anything but we'll teach you, you will just sit in the motel will we take care of the situation." Max froze at the 'take care of the situation' part but she tried to hid it, before she could give an answer Dean said again "it's okay. to be afraid of what we do, it scares us a lot too. But we do this so other people like this guy doesn't get hurt."

"Okay, I'm in."

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