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I sat down at the table and Vernon handed me my plate with food. "Thank you." I said and he gave me a small smile. "So, how was school?" My Mom asked. "Great." I said, digging into my mashed potatoes. "Why's that?"

"Nothing special, just happy that it's Friday." I said and she gave me a suspicious look. "What about you, how was work?" I asked and she shot me an ever more suspicious glance. "Good, I suppose, I hired a new assistant and he's doing really well so far."

"Honey, want some more?" Vernon asked her and she shook her head. "Thanks."

"Where are Quinty and Hailey?" I asked. "Their Mom's, only for the weekend." My Mom answered me. "Since when do they go there?"

"Since, I don't know, their step-brother appeared out of nowhere and they get along well." She said, sounding annoyed at my amount of questions. "Oh, alright."

"How was Alexa?" Vernon asked, changing the topic. "Great, actually."

"When is Jacob arriving?" My Mom asked me. "Monday evening, we're picking him up at the airport." I said and she nodded. "I'll make sure to see him."

I rolled my eyes and finished my plate. "I'm gonna head upstairs and finish my homework."

"Did you finish that anatomy project?" Vernon asked and I shook my head. "No, we didn't get to it, but I think I'm gonna ask him if we can finish it tomorrow, it that's okay?"

"Oh, sure thing." He said and gave me a small smile. "We won't be home tomorrow afternoon, we're visiting my parents."

"Oh, goodnight, I guess." I said and made my way out of the kitchen. On my way upstairs I texted Joey.

Have time tomorrow? (7:06PM)

I changed into some more comfortable clothes and got into my bed to start watching Stranger Things.

I was hallway trough the third episode of season three when my phone buzzed.

Yeah, for the project? (10:48PM)

Yours or mine? (10:48PM)

yours? (10:49PM)

Good for me (10:49PM)

Ill be there, goodnight x (11:49PM)


"See you tonight, Skylar." My Mom said as she and Vernon got into her car. "Bye." I said and closed the door. I ordered pizza and plopped down on the couch, turning on the TV.

After twenty minutes or so the doorbell rang. I got up and made my way to the door. "Hey, sorry I'm late." Joey said and I shrugged. "It's all right."

"So, wanna finish the project?" He asked as I turned off the TV. "Uhm, yeah, let me get my stuff."

I made my way upstairs and got my backpack. As I got back downstairs Joey was looking at the pictures on shelves. "I like this one." He said, pointing at one that was taking in Greece this summer. "You look... carefree."

I stood next to him, looking at the picture as well. I was on the beach, next to my sister, we were laughing about some guy trying to flirt with me a few minutes before the picture was taken by Vernon.

"Well, I was." I said and he glanced at me. "I was glad I was away from here for a few days."

"Let's get started." I said and we did, we worked for an hour or two, actually finishing the whole thing.

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