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Friday night

The week passed by very slowly, I was avoiding Joey, wasn't talking to Carter either, didn't wanna look at Quinty, Olivia avoided Chris for obvious reasons, Alexa didn't wanna talk to him, so she kept her distance from me as well, which was pretty fucking annoying, but I couldn't blame her. The only person that never left my side was Isaac and I didn't mind it one bit.

"Ready?" My Dad asked as I finished putting on my mascara. "Yeah," I said. "Just a second."

I slipped on my Vans and walked downstairs. "Alright," My Dad said, opening the door. "Let's go."

Cooper and Jacob walked to my Dad's car, followed by Sam and Parker, leaving me and my Dad alone for a minute. "That date's tonight, right?" He asked and I looked at him as I put on my jacket. "Yeah, after the game, we're leaving."

"Okay, 's good." My Dad said and took my hand, pulling me outside. "Be safe."

"Dad." I whined and he opened the door for me, giving me a serious look. "What? I'm not ready to be a grandpa yet."

"Tell that to Sam," I said, closing the door as I sat down in the passenger seat. My Dad got into the driver's seat. "Right, Parker, if you get her pregnant, you're not going anywhere." He said to the sixteen-year-old boy, who was now looking very uncomfortable. "Yes, sir."

"Ah, Jacob, put on you seatbelt, please." My Dad said, starting the car. "Bear, assist me, if you will." Jacob said to Cooper who rolled his eyes. "You're not three anymore."

Jacob sighed and put on his seatbelt. "You're a pain in the ass, Jacob." Sam said and my brother glared at her. "Me? Remember when you broke my Ken doll cause you didn't get to play with it? I certainly do."

"What? That was Willow."

"It wasn't!" I yelped. "I didn't dare touch that doll, I would've gotten killed."

"Oh, shut the hell up, that was twelve years ago." My Dad groaned. "I glued the arm back and got Sam her own, it's all good."

"Wait, you were three when you broke his doll?" Cooper asked Sam and she shrugged. "How?" Cooper frowned and Jacob started explaining the whole story to his boyfriend who seemed to be very interested in the story.

I looked outside, filtering the whole thing, this story always came back whenever my brother was annoyed with my sister. "This family is crazy." Parker muttered, running a hand trough his hair.

My Dad parked the car in the parking lot of the school, quickly getting out to avoid his children.


Joey got out of his car, his eyes meeting mine before they landed on my Dad. "Oh, fuck." I muttered and my Dad glared at the boy in front of him. "You," He said, accusingly pointing at Joey. "Make your way out of my sight or I'm gonna snap your neck, alright?"

Joey repeatedly nodded in a fast tempo, locking his car and making his way inside of the school. "Damn, Dad, he was gonna shit his pants." Jacob laughed. "It's not funny, I actually hate the guy." My Dad said, furrowing his brows. "Is that Chris?"

I looked over to where he was looking, seeing a guy with the hood of his jacket over his face, walking very huddled up. "Why does he look like that?" Sam asked and Parker put his arm around her shoulders. "Maybe he's having a bad day."

"Chris!" My Dad shouted and Chris turned his head, perking up a bit. He walked over to us, pulling off his hood. "Hey, Anthony." He half-smiled at my Dad. "How are you?"

"I'm alright, but are you?" Dad asked my childhood friend. "I'm doing fine, yeah." Chris answered and met my eyes, a glossy look over his. I walked up to him and put my arms around him, immediately getting a response. "It's okay." I whispered and rubbed his back. "I don't know, I feel shitty." He muttered and I looked at him. "You should, but she can't ignore you all her life, now she's just avoiding her problems."

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