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We were on our way back to Willow's house, my knee bouncing up and down. She looked at me, taking my hand. "Hey, we'll be fine, she's gonna call tonight and tell us the results of the tests."

"I know," I said, running my other hand over my face. "I'm just-"

"Scared, me too." She said, leaning her head onto my shoulder.

We had been waiting patiently for doctor Phillips to call us, hours passing until the phone actually rang. "Hey, doctor Phillips?" Willow said as she picked up her phone. "Yeah, I have time."

"Can you put it on speaker?" I asked and she nodded, pressing the button. "Most of the tests came back pretty great, the embryo is totally healthy," She said, papers could be heard in the background. "Most of them?" Willow asked, moving so she could sit next to me on the couch. Anthony leaned over to squeeze his daughter's shoulder. "Yeah, most of them, Willow, you got really lucky with this pregnancy."

"What do you mean?" Anthony asked as Willow was not able to talk. "Willow's cervix has some symptoms, I'm not gonna go in full detail right now, I'd rather explain it face to face. Those symptoms make it pretty difficult for someone to get pregnant as fast as Willow did," Doctor Phillips. "And?" I asked.

"And there is a chance this pregnancy might lead to a miscarriage," Doctor Phillips said. Willow stiffened beside me, her shoulders tensing up. "What?" Anthony's voice cracked as he asked this. "I tried finding information about your own mother, Anthony, she seemed to have the same problem, so I think this might be a family-thing."

I wrapped Willow into a hug, not knowing what to say myself. "As you all might understand, this condition will have to be taken seriously, so you'll have to come to the hospital at least once in the two weeks, especially the first twenty weeks." The doctor went on. Willow held onto me tightly. "Okay, will do, thank you, doctor." Anthony said, finishing the call. "I'll leave you guys alone, alright?"

I gave him a small nod as he left the living room. "Fuck," Willow said. "What if this totally goes wrong?"

"Hey, hey, we have to stay positive," I said. "She said it was hard to get pregnant, right? The first step has been made, so why not hope the rest does, too?"

"But what if I can't give you the kid? What if you'll be disappointed?" She asked and I raised my eyebrows. "It would not be your fault," I said, tucking her hair behind her hair. "If you do miscarry, I'll be there for you, we'll go trough that together as well."



We hooked our fingers together. "I love you." She said and I grinned. "I love you, too."

"You'll go to the appointments with me, right?" Willow asked and I softly kissed her. "Definitely, wouldn't miss them for the world."


After Isaac and I told everyone about our pregnancy, at least the people we wanted to know, we grew even closer as a friend group. Whose reaction I didn't expect, was my brother's, he just stared at me trough the screen for twenty minutes until he stood up and stared at me again before saying Mamma Mia.

We were now celebrating my Dad's birthday, on February the second. Chris and I decided we wanted to do a winter barbecue, my Dad got all excited about that idea, so we went with that. "Are the sausages on the grill yet?" Isaac asked me as I cut the tomatoes so I could add them to the pasta salad. "Uhm, I think Chris grabbed them already, or they're still in the fridge," I said, raising my eyebrows as I thought. "I really don't know, you should take a look."

Isaac chuckled, walking to the fridge. "Chris has taken them." He said, closing it again. "Oh, they're right here," He said, pointing to the space in front of me. "What?" I followed his finger and sighed when I saw the package. "Sorry."

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