1. How It All Began

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For this story to really get off to a proper start, I'll first start off by explaining who I am. And how my best friend is the one and only Elton John. But for the longest time, I knew him as Reggie Dwight from Pinner. This won't be some easy going story. Because our lives? Are far from what you read in fairy tales. It's a mess. A big, jumbled up, horrid mess. Not all moments were bad. Some were quite amazing. But..... life happened. As it tends to. And it drug us along with it.

"So Miss Boyle, what was your childhood like?" The words rolled off the ladies tongue as if she asks this same question on a daily basis. So meaningless to her but yet, so meaningful to me.

"She asked me the same question Al. And she got a very long story. Entertaining. But long." Elton's little smile next to me, had me grinning a tad. I felt better with him next to me. My best friend. My brother. One of two people in the world who knows me the most. And the other? Well.... it's complicated really. Love. A word so full of many different things and meanings that have always been so hard for me to understand. Because growing up? I didn't get a lot of that.
"Alice Lynn! Where on earth have you been little miss? Running around with that Dwight boy again?!" I rolled my eyes in complete annoyance from my mothers horrid voice yelling through the entire house. And for the whole bloody neighborhood to hear!

"His name is Reggie mum. You know this. We've been friends for quite a while now." She eyed me in surprise from my snappy tone to her, just as I ran up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door shut, feeling incredibly angry. Am I not allowed to have friends? Just because Reg is different from most kids? I'm not normal. So why can't we be friends? I don't like doing things other girls do. And Reggie is the only person that seems to get me. He's nice. Kind. Sweet. Funny. Fun to be around. He's.... my best friend.

"Sweetheart? You know your mother is just in one of her daily moods. Don't worry okay? She'll be right as rain before long." My dad. My angel. He's too sweet for this family to be honest. I love my mum. Don't get me wrong. But how she got a man like him, is really beyond me.

"Reggie is a sweet chap. He's a good friend. So don't let her stop you from living. Okay?" And his words carried on with me my entire life. The bitch is back, is what I would always mutter under my breath when she would be that way. She was sick. And then? I didn't know it. I was a child. How was I supposed to?

"Okay dad. Just.... please tell me she'll be okay at least....?" He sighed so sadly that it broke my heart. He didn't even know how to help her. She wasn't always that way. But.... she changed. It runs in the family he would always say.

"I'll just say that I hope she will be. Okay honey? Don't worry your pretty little head. Just rest up." He softly kissed the top of my head, calming me for yet another night. But my eyes couldn't help but gaze out the window to next door, seeing Reggie's light still on as well, doing our nightly wave goodnight with a smile. He's become my brother to be honest. The brother I've always wanted.
"It was..... alright I suppose. Nothing fancy. Nothing spectacular. Mum was..... bonkers. That's what the neighbors would say anyhow. But my dad? He was the sweetest man imaginable. They were complete opposites. But yet, they attracted each other like a moth to a flame. It was beautiful really...." I trailed off, lost in my own thoughts. I had listened to Elton talk about his childhood and realized just how similar both of ours really was. But we always had each other. Still do. Even in rehab. At first I didn't want to come. But I knew I needed to. I don't want to end up like my mum, bless her. Bernie was honestly the reason I finally came. But Elton and I? We've grown a lot from this. Of course, no one can make an entrance quite like Elton here.

"You always have to show off, don't you Elt? I didn't exactly have a spectacular outfit on hand for this moment

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"You always have to show off, don't you Elt? I didn't exactly have a spectacular outfit on hand for this moment. Boy did I miss out." We both chuckled, for the first time since we got here. Elton is the only one that could wear an angel/demon outfit and make it look glamorous. That's my best friend folks.

"Well you have the beautiful hair for the both of us. So hush." I couldn't help but laugh. And it felt so damn good to do. But my mind kept wandering to Bernie. He's such a kind and loving soul. The first man I've ever loved. My only..... this was going to be quite the journey.

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