The Void

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Faith didn't like the void.

It gave her so much nothing that she began imagining things.

She would watch Dee draw, Peter talk, Dave...

She didn't remember what Dave did.

She didn't have many good memories of Steven. So she just talked to him. He listened. Just like most of the people she imagined.

Not like he would do that in real life.

She would watch scenes of her old life. She replayed talking to Roger, listening to Jake go on and on about his granddaughter.

You take care of yourself, too, okay? Harry had told her. And then she went and got herself killed.

And subjected herself to this horror. Of her own mind, or maybe Henry's spite, twisting her thoughts into monstrous things that would break her.

Dee would be happy, laughing at Peter telling a story. Then she would scream. She would fall, the blood that was coming from the deep, clean cuts that had killed her soaked up by the floor.

Peter would start coughing jagged pieces of metal from the springlocked suit that killed him. He would look up at her, eyes begging for her to help. Please.

But she couldn't. No matter what she did, she couldn't.

Steven would be talking to her. Probably telling her something she could do, something that grounded her idea of normality. Performing in a springlocked suit. She would do it. Happily. Anything was better than nothing to do. It would go wrong.

She would somehow set off a springlock. She would fall, simultaneously dying and reliving a part of her past that she never wanted to think about again. But she was forced to. She was forced to die, over and over again.

Most of her employees would just listen. Matt didn't ever do anything to her. Matt was bad enough on his own.

Dave would be telling her about his time living in New York, and he would begin to look around. Nervous, for no apparent reason. Then he would say something along the lines of okay, fine, I'll do it!

Then he would take out a knife, and Faith wouldn't remember anything else.

(A/N: W0t's this? Is this a chapter where I actually get straight to the point instead of doing an introduction chapter? Amazing.)

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