I Can't Think Of A Clever Chapter Title For This Chapter.

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Peter and Dee left Faith, leaving no one by her side except for Steven, who was lingering at the door of William's bedroom, just... staring at his former employee. Not doing anything, just... staring. William was by Faith's side, remembering their last conversation.

I just couldn't tell them that I can't come with you all.

You can't put a soul back into a body.

William chuckled to himself. I'd bet I can prove that wrong.

He brushed Faith's hair away from her face and left the room. "I doubt that anyone knows where Blackjack could be?" he asked. Peter and Dee looked up and Dee smiled.

"No, I don't think so." Dee replied. Peter stayed silent, pondering.

"Is there any kind of way for him to go back to reality?"

There was a moment of quiet thinking before a voice from behind William decided to speak up. "Maybe."

William took a moment to stare at Steven. "Are you going to specify on that?"

Steven shrugged. "If the souls Dave and Henry killed could possess animatronics to use as vessels, why wouldn't Blackjack be able to?"

"He might not even have to." William continued, trying to think back on The Joy of Creation. "Um..." he tapped his finger on his arm, shaking his head and looking up. "Souls of adults are more powerful because of the emotions they can feel. I think the most powerful emotion is guilt, and Blackjack must be ridden with that. He might not need a vessel."

"That puts us right back on square one." Peter said. "How are we supposed to get to him when he's back in reality?"

"With The Real Fredbear."

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