Nothing Takes Long in Paradise

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It didn't take long to get to Peter's house. Nothing took long in Paradise. Caroline opened the door. William had hardly ever seen her, the few times he directly came to see Peter. She had long, light brown hair and dark eyes. William grinned. "Hey, can I borrow your husband?"

Caroline smiled and looked behind her as a reply. "If you'll give me a moment to find him." she gestured for him to come in and then left in pursuit of Peter, wherever he was. Eventually she came back with both Peter and Steven in tow. "Found him. I hope you don't mind that Steven's here, too."

Steven waved and William shrugged. "Nah. Someone had to tell him at some point anyway."

"Tell me what?" Steven asked. Caroline left the room, but lingered near the doorway. William cleared his throat. Better to say it all at once.

"Faith's back."

Peter's look changed from curiosity to shock. "She is? Where is she? Is she okay?" Even Steven looked hopeful. Dave sighed.

"She's... her body's here. Blackjack found her. She won't wake up."

"She... won't wake up?" Peter asked dubiously.

Caroline poked her head into the room and nodded. "That makes sense. All living beings need energy, and my guess is that the soul provides that energy. If the body is without the soul, there isn't any energy."

William nodded, ignoring the fact that Caroline sounded scarily like Henry. "Yeah. Flesh and metal both have a life-force."

Steven nodded after a moment of consideration, and after a moment, Peter followed. "Where are we going with this?"

"To see Dee."

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