And No, I Don't Know Where The Kennedy Parents Are Either

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"So, Faith's soul is connected to her body, but her body isn't connected to her soul." Dee paused for a moment, thinking. "Is that right?"

William nodded and Dee started to pace in her bedroom, letting her hair down from a ponytail and flinging the hairband into a pile of blankets. "So we need to find a way to get them..." she made a useless gesture with her hands, trying to get a point across that William didn't know how to decipher. "Back. We should probably go to The Real Fredbear. I may know a lot, but he knows more than me."

Peter leaned against the wall and sighed. "And how exactly are we going to do that? It's not like anyone has him on speed dial or something."

"Blackjack's talked to him before. Maybe he knows where he is. The only other person I can see giving some answers would be Faith, and I don't think she's going to be able to talk." Dee replied. "Sound like a game plan?"

William nodded and Steven finally found them. Peter shot him a look that said where the hell have you been? "Not a whole plan, but a step."

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