One - The Room Across The Hall

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Dianne sighed as she got up to her room, throwing down her school bag and flopping onto her bed.
“Are you alright Di?” Molly asked.
“Yeah I'm good Molls, why don't you go to Layla's room for a bit whilst I do my homework?”
Molly nodded, knowing that Di just wanted some space.
“See you at dinner Di.” The eleven-year-old said, shutting the door behind her.
Dianne got changed out of her uniform into some leggings and a hoodie, folding her uniform neatly and putting it away.
She picked up her bag to make a start on her homework, sighing in frustration when she realised she'd forgotten her English book.
She threw her bag back down, and walked across the hall, knocking on the door.
A few seconds later, it swung open.
“Hey Dianne, you alright?”
“Hey James, yeah I'm fine, is Joe there?”
“No sorry, he might be downstairs?”
“Ok, thanks.”
“No bother.” He said, before shutting the door.
Dianne walked downstairs, scanning the room for Joe.
“You ok Di?” Rachel, the owner of the care home, asked.
“Yeah, have you seen Joe, I need to get a book off him.” 
Joe was the only person she could ask as no one else in the care home was their age.
As well as having to help out a lot, which Dianne didn't mind, being older than the others gave her a lot lower chance of being adopted.
“Yeah, he's round the back.”
“Ok, thanks Rach.”
And with that, she opened the back door, seeing Joe sat on the bench at the end of the garden, facing away from her.
Joe and Dianne had never gotten along, Dianne wasn't too sure why, they just hadn't.
She hugged herself as it was quite cold, making her way down the garden.
“Joe?” She asked, not wanting to startle him.
He looked up suddenly, recognising the Australian accent immediately.
“Are you ok?” She asked timidly.
“Yeah I'm fine, what do you want?” He spat.
Even though she was quite shy and quiet, Dianne was observant, she took in other people's body language and facial expressions.
Joe, on the other hand, had a confident, outgoing personality, but Dianne could see past it, she knew that he was covering up who he really was.
“I forgot my English book, do you have yours?”
“Yeah, I'll get it for you.” He said, standing up and beginning to walk back inside.
Dianne smiled ever so slightly to herself, she much preferred Joe when he was kind, she knew that he wasn't really so spiteful, it was a cover, she wanted to get to know him, to see his true personality.
All in good time.
She followed Joe back upstairs, he went into his room, grabbing the book and giving it to her.
“I need it back before dinner.” 
She nodded going back to her own room.
She did the work relatively fast, picking up Joe's book to bring back.
She gave it back when Rachel called them down for their dinner. She headed down, taking a seat at the table.
Soon enough, the room was packed.
After dinner everyone went back upstairs, or to the lounge, just doing their own thing before bed.

Dianne went back to her room, seeing Molly sat on the floor.
“Heya Molls, how was Layla?”
“Good! We're having a sleepover with Freya and Daisy on Friday.”
At the weekend, Rachel let them have “sleepovers”.
“Wow, cool! So, how's school going?”
Molly groaned, “I hate it.”
“Aww, don't worry Moll, it gets better.”
“Really Di?” Molly raised an eyebrow.
“Ok, not really, but you only have 7 more years.” Dianne laughed.
“Ugh.” Molly grunted.
“Anyways Di, how about you? Got a boyfrienddddd?” Molly teased.
“No way Molls.” Dianne laughed.
“What about Joe, do you like him?” Molly giggled, knowing the pair could hardly stand each other.”
“Absolutely not.” Dianne laughed again.
The girls were still laughing when there was a knock on the door.
She opened it to see Joe stood there.
“Speak of the devil.” She thought to herself.
“Alright, Joe?” She asked.
“Can you help me with some stuff?” He asked.
“Yeah of course.” Dianne looked at Molly, seeing her holding in giggles as she wiggled her eyebrows.
“Let's go outside.” Dianne said, going out into the hallway before Molly could say anything.
The pair walked out to the garden, sitting on the bench.
“So what do you need help with Joe?”
Joe was in the bottom set while Dianne was in the highest, she knew he often struggled, but this was the first time he had asked her for help.
“Ok, show me what you need help with.”
He opened his book, pointing out some problems he was stuck on.
Dianne went through each one with him until he understood.
“Thanks for the help, Dianne.” He said, looking at the floor.
“It's alright, you can ask whenever you need.” She smiled.

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