Five - Caught

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It was later on in the week, Joe and Dianne had spent their days just chatting and hanging out.

Dianne smiled as Mollie got into the bed beside her.
The two girls had pushed their beds together as it was a Friday night.

"So Di, how was your week with Joe?" Mollie questioned, smirking slightly.
"It was great." Dianne replied, smiling.
Mollie noticed Dianne's eyes light up and a smile spread across her face.
"How's school?" Dianne asked.
"Pretty good."

The next morning, when Dianne went out to the shop for Rachel, Mollie set about her plan.
She walked out the back door to the end of the garden, sitting down beside the boy.

"Oh, hey Mollie, you gave me a fright." he laughed.
"I need a favour."

Later that night, Mollie was sleeping in Layla's room and Joe was staying with Dianne in her room.

As Mollie had taken her duvet, Joe and Dianne decided to leave the two beds pushed together and grab the spare double duvet.

After falling asleep on two separate sides of the bed, Dianne awoke to hear sounds of giggling in the room.

She cracked her eyes open to see Mollie and Layla standing in the doorway.
It took the redhead a second to realise Joe's arms were firmly wrapped around her waist.

"Get out you two." Dianne sighed.
The movement made Joe stir and the two girls disappeared back into Layla's room. Joe opened his eyes, looking up at Dianne.
He quickly realised what he was doing and released Di from his arms.
"Holy shit, I'm so sorry."
"Joe, relax, it's okay." she said, calming him down as he began to panic.

Okay, idk how you'd all feel about this idea but it's what's easier for me rn cus ive been so much more focused on Instagram than this and I'm so sorry but if I started writing shorter chapters (not as short as this one) but I'd upload a lot more often. I'm really sorry I feel like im constantly apologising to you all.
You probably noticed my writing getting worse as well and I'm so so sorry.

Also i accidentally posted this chapter earlier before it was finished so if anyone got confused I'm sorry.

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