Two - Friends?

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The next morning Joe woke up to his alarm, turning it off and getting out of bed. He woke James and the two boys got dressed, heading downstairs.
He sat down at the table, grabbing an apple.
Once he finished he tossed his apple core, just as Rachel walked into the room.
“Joe, where's Dianne?”
“How should I know?”
“Well, go up to her room and knock for her, you two need to leave soon.”
He sighed, walking back upstairs and knocking on the door.
A few seconds later, it opened.
“Hey Molly, tell Dianne we have to leave.” 
“Di, Joe's here, you have to leave now.”
A moment later, Dianne appeared beside Molly.
“Sorry Joe, I lost track of time. Bye Moll, I'll see you later.”

They were walking to school when Joe decided to just go for it.
“Am, Dianne?”
“I, um, I'm sorry for how I acted before. I don't know why I was like that when you're nothing but kind to me. I'd, um, I'd like to be friends?”
“It's ok Joe, I forgive you. I'd like to be friends too.” She smiled at him.
He smiled back, the pair continuing the walk in silence until they reached the school.
Dianne was about to speak just as the bell went, the two going inside to their lockers before their first class.

The bell went for lunch as Dianne gathered her stuff and headed to her usual spot, behind the school.
She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
She spun around, “Joe, you scared me.”
“Sorry, I didn't mean to, can I sit with you?”
“What about your friends?”
“They're not really my friends, I just hang out with them so that I'm not alone.”
“Well, we can be alone together now.” Dianne smiled.
Joe smiled back, taking a seat next to her.
The two chatted through lunch until the bell rang, heading to their next class.
As Dianne had dance now, Joe's PE would be joining them again.
She got changed, going into the hall to begin stretching.
She smiled at Joe as he walked over to her.
“Joe, you ready to jive?”
“Yes, I am so excited to jive.” He rolled his eyes sarcastically.
“Come on Joe, you know you love ittt.” She grinned.
“It's actually not too bad.” He said.
“That's the spirit.”

“Good job Joe, you did great today.” She grinned once class was over.
“God, I'm knackered.” He said, causing Dianne to laugh.
“Have a drink then go get changed, I'll wait for you outside the changing rooms.” She said, Joe nodding and heading to get changed, Dianne doing the same.
Whilst she was changing she couldn't help the smile that came to her face, how she and Joe had now formed a friendship.
She finished getting changed, swinging her bag over her shoulder and heading out into the hall, seeing Joe already waiting for her.
“I just have to go to my locker.”
“Me too, I'll meet you at the gate.” He replied.

Once Dianne had finished her locker she walked out of the building to the gate, smiling at Joe as he walked over, the two beginning the walk back home.
“Would you like some help with your project tonight?” 
“That would be great, thanks Di.”
“Di?” She asked.
“Yeah... We're friends now, is that ok?”
“Yeah, of course.” She smiled, they were friends.
“Molly is staying in Layla and Freya's room so we can work in my room.”
“Yeah, James would only annoy us.”
“James is sweet.” Dianne said.
“You don't share a room with him.” Joe chuckled.
“Fair point.” 
“He's got Max staying in our room tonight as well.” Joe rolled his eyes.
“Oh, poor you.” Dianne laughed.
“You could stay in our room tonight? Take Molly's bed?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I could do with some company.” She smiled softly.
They reached home, heading inside and making their way up to Dianne's room.
Joe went into his own room to get changed first, Dianne doing the same.
“Molly, can you go over to Freya and Layla now?”
“Why? Joe coming over again?” She smirked.
“Molly, you know I don't like him. We're barely friends.”
“Ok fine.” The girl said, getting up to leave.
“Thanks Moll, see you at dinner.”
Dianne finished getting changed as Joe knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
“Hey, Di.”
“Hey, ready to do this project?”
He groaned, “Ready as I'll ever be I guess.”
“Good enough.” She laughed.
They worked for an hour before dinner.
Rachel smiling to herself as she saw them come down the stairs together, shooting Dianne a questioning look.
Dianne shook her head slightly, Rachel nodding and continuing what she had been doing.

After they ate dinner Joe and Dianne went back upstairs.
“I'm guessing you don't want to do any more work tonight?” Dianne asked.
“Nope.” Joe laughed.
“Ok, you did really well, we can do more tomorrow.”
“Dianne. I am not doing maths on a Saturday.”
He said, making her laugh.
“I knew you'd say that.”

It was a couple of hours later, Joe and Dianne had been chatting for a while, deciding to get into bed.
“I'll leave the light on so we can still talk, I'd just rather be in bed right now.” She giggled.
Dianne climbed into her bed, Joe getting into Molly's.
They carried on their previous conversation when Molly came into the room.
“Oh. Hi Joe.”
“Hey, Molly.”
“I was just getting something.” She said, walking over to her wardrobe and pulling out a hoodie, throwing it on.
“Di, can you come help me with something?”
“Yeah, I'll be back in a second Joe.” She said, following Molly out into the hall.
“What do you want Molly?” Dianne asked, knowing that Molly didn't actually need help with anything.
“And you tell me you don't like him.”
“I do not Moll, we're friends. He's only here because Max is staying in his room with James. Would you want to stay in there?”
“Ok, good point.”
“Can I go back inside now?”
“Yes, you may.” Molly said, both girls laughing.
Dianne went back into the room, Molly sticking her head in the door.
“You two have fun. But not too much.” She said, before shutting the door.
“Sorry about that Joe.” Dianne laughed.
“You're grand.” He said.
“I think I'm gonna go to sleep.”
“Me too, night Di.”
“Night Joe.”

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