Four - Peace

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The next morning, after breakfast, Rachel asked Joe and Dianne to go to the grocery store for her.
The two got ready and left, taking their time as they were in no rush to get back to the chaos and madness in which they lived.

"You know, Molly keeps asking when we're going to be dating." Dianne laughed, remembering the conversation they had had last night.
"Really?" Joe chuckled.
"Well, James is the same."
"Wow, do we really look that much like a couple?" Dianne giggled.

They reached the shop, walking around the aisles to find everything on the list.
Well, Dianne was, Joe was just looking around.

They turned into the next aisle, Joe freezing when he saw a group of people from their form.
Joe turned around and walked away quickly, pulling Dianne with him.
"What was that for?" Dianne asked, not having seen the group of teenagers.
"Nothing, let's just keep going." Joe replied.
Dianne decided to leave it for now and ask him when they got home.

They continued walking around the shop, getting everything they needed and heading home.

As soon as they got in the door, Molly came running up to them.
"Yeah, Molls?"
"Will you take me and Layla and Daisy to the park?"
"Can't you walk yourselves?"
"No, Rachel said you have to take us."
"Fine. Give me fifteen minutes."
"Ok, thanks Di." Molly said, before running off.
"So, do you want to come to the park?" Dianne asked Joe, giggling slightly.
"Yeah, why not."

The five of them arrived at the park, the three excitable eleven-year-olds running off as soon as they got there, Joe and Dianne took a seat on a bench.
Dianne watched the girls laughing and playing before turning to Joe.
"Mhmm?" He turned to her, snapping out of his thoughts.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Nothing really." He said quickly, turning away again.
"What do you want to do tomorrow?"
Joe looked at her confused.
"We have the week off remember?"
"Oh yeah, I don't mind."
"It'll be nice to have some peace and quiet."
"Yeah." He smiled.

The next morning, Dianne woke up at the usual time. Smiling it herself when she remembered she didn't have school.
She stretched, getting out of bed and walking over to Molly.

Once all the kids were gone to school, Rachel left to run some errands, leaving Joe and Dianne alone.

Wow it's been over a month 😂🥺 sorry bout that getting back into writing now.

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