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After spending most of the night lying awake thinking of what might become of this year. I did fall asleep just not as early as I wanted to.

"Good morning Verona"says Grace my very punctual best mate.

"Good morning, care to join Harlow and I for breakfast?"

" Yes! I'm starving I think I will bring a book to start on some class work"

With that I ran to the bathroom brushed my teeth let my hair down to see it wasn't complete rubish this morning. Satisfied with how I looked I ran down to breakfast.

-great hall

The food was there when we got there thank god. I was sooo ready to eat! Right when we sat down at the hufflepuff table we looked at our time tables and saw we had two classes together today 9 am Ancient Ruins, and Transfiguration after lunch.

"Well we got to head to ancient ruins and get good seats so we can sit together" I say to her I get up out of my seat and start heading to the classroom that was by the main courtyard.On my way out the great hall Harry and Ron are just walking in late it seems to breakfast. They are looking at each other and walking fast so I though Harry wouldn't notice me. His eyes flicker up for one moment and he stops seems a bit flustered because he doesn't say a word. Ron speaks up "Well I should go before all the foods gone" and he runs past Harry and me
"Hey Harry"I say
"Hi Verona, are holding up after the fall you took yesterday?" His joke broke the awkwardness and I punched his shoulder
"It's a miracle I'm even standing on my own two feet right now"
"What's your classes like?"
"Pretty standard fifth year schedule, ancient ruins, charms, potions. Although I do have a lot of free periods because I opted out of muggle studies"
"Oh aren't your parents muggle"
"My dad is yeah and my mom was" I look down and just handed him my schedule to peruse
"I have the same astronomy class" he smiles at me and hands me back my paper
"Well I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other late at night" he looked down and laughed
"God Potter you know what I mean"
"I don't really know a lot of hufflepuffs you know"
"is that a good thing or a bad thing" I question and I step closer to him
"Good see you in class tonight at 11 I guess" he looks to the ground and walks away
I'm just standing in the doorframe looking at him walk away smiling at how awkward he could be. He turns around and smiles at me and I shake my head and walk off to class.

Grace and Harlow are standing in a wall formation as I catch up with them and their faces are stone cold. Harlow slaps the back of my head. "Since when have you been so close with HARRY POTTER"
I just shook my head and walked thru the both of them and they stood still processing and then ran after me and started asking question after question.

-----after classes---

That evening the two other schools arrived because Hogwarts was hosting the triwizard tournament. At dinner they made their amazing entrances. First the beauxbatons made their performance and they were absolutely enchanting with their dances and their beauty. I mean look at them those girls are gorgeous. I looked over to the Griffindor table to see harry and Ron clapping and cheering. I internally roll my eyes.
Then the drumstrange boys came in and  they were very intense and mesmerizing. It was so amazing to see those boys walk in with such confidence and flare. I think this is going to be very interesting having them here.

Just a hufflepuff (Harry Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now