part -3

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The mermaid princess swan away from her secured home palace to find the dark sea witch .sea passed the streets of merefolk city with thousands of shopes. The mere people greet her with smiles .they all loved their princess .
Finally she was facing the big natural coral barrier at the city limits .once she cross the linr she would be facing many unknown dangers . Princess took a deep dreath to mastet her courage .then she leaved her beloved city to save the little human baby.
The journey wasn' t an easy one she swam day and night . She met many poisonous snakes, fish and managed to get away without any harm . She had no friends. She swan alone in to the dead sea. Where no - one returns once enter.mermaid princess was scared .the dead sea was no place for a young mermaid like her . But she promised her mother to find the dark sea witch .she slowly entered to the endless dark water.
As the mermaid princess swan further into the dark sea. She felt something is following her. She turned around to see a group of sharks with clashing shark teeth after her. Princess was terrified . She swan for her life. But the sharks , they aren' t going to leave her alone. She was surrounded by them. She knew these sharks can't be tamed by anyone .she knew it would be end of her life .she closed her eyes. Someone grabbed her hand and swan away in speed . She didn' t know what happened but she was away from danger . She looked around . She was in a safe place full of colourful coral.
The mermaid princess looked at her survier . It was a young mermaid . He looked like same age as she was. It is hair was like the night sky . His big eyes were like dark sea. He had a long sword mad from a shark bone.princess never seen him before.

" who are you" she asked

"I am shark hunter . This is not safe place for any maiden .who are you .may l ask ? What are you doing here" . The hunted asked.

" it is a long story .but please ,can you help me ? " princess asked.

" first ,tell me more about the task.then i will try my best to help with your task." Hunter answered .
Mermaid princess described about the human baby and queen' s order .hunter listened carefully to her.

" I will help you to find the dark sea witch but.... you have to pay me " hunter agreed

" do you know where is the witch? " princess was surprised .

"I am hunter , i can find anything or anyone in these sea" he smiled .

" thankz you for agreeine to help mr . Take this as a token of gratitude " the princess gave her ring.

" it would by rude of retuse a gift from a princess thank you" hunter accept the ring.

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