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When you live in a house as crowded as mine, sleeping in is never an option.

"DYYYYYLAAAAAAAAAN!!!" I groaned, stuffing a pillow over my head. My younger siblings were fighting yet again. They're twins but they're nothing alike. After attempting to ignore their screams and yells for a few minutes I rolled over to check the time, 7:05.

I groaned yet again, deciding it was time to get up and get Niko ready for his soccer game.

I come from a big family. Big as in seven siblings, including myself.

Niko is the youngest, he's five
Phoenix is twelve
Ashlyn and Dylan are thirteen
Me obviously, I'm seventeen
My older brother Calum who's 19
And my oldest sister Mali-koa, she's 25.

I don't know how my parents managed to push out eight kids and stay together as long as they did.

"Niko. Come on buddy it's time to get up." I cooed at my youngest sibling. He was really the one I could talk to. He just turned over, ignoring my efforts to wake him up. I smirked.

"I guess I will tell Coach Tom to find someone to replace you in today's match". His head soon shot up, and before I knew it he was up and halfway out of his pajamas.

I giggled a bit and helped him dress for his match. We hopped down the stairs together and I began to prepare some breakfast for him.

"What do you want to eat Champ?" He smiled at the nickname I had given him. "Nutella toast!" He answered with enthusiasm.

"I swear to God Dylan I'm going to kick your a-" "Hey! Not in from of Niko, Ashlyn!" I snapped at my grouchy sister. "What do you want me to do Ivy? He read my diary!" "Yes and it was hilarious! Oh how I love Connor! Gosh I wish he would notice me!" I had to suppress a laugh as I handed Niko his toast. Ashlyn's face was beat red when she tried to lunge at him.

Mom walked in before she could however. "Okay can you guys kill each other after breakfast? Calum! Are you up honey?" I sighed. "You think that asshole actually came home last night?"

She sent me a glare. "Language!" I rolled my eyes. "Come on Niko we have to leave."

After he was buckled in his booster seat, I started the car and drove towards the field. I wasn't planning on staying for a five year old match after I remembered Michael's note. After dropping Niko off, I drove in the direction of the station. He didn't give me a specific time to meet him. I'll just drive past there, and if he's outside I will stop.

I pulled into the lot and just as I suspected, he was out there.

"I'll be honest", he said as he climbed into the passenger seat of my black Tahoe. "I didn't think you were going to show up". He said with a smirk. "And why would you think that?" I asked, returning the playful grin.

"Well let's see. I'm a delinquent who has frequent arrest for countless offenses, your mom is a COP, we've had one conversation, and you don't seem like you trust very easily."

I laughed, "Well you're right about a of those things, Mr. Clifford, but for some strange reason I seem to trust you. Let's not blow it, kay?" He laughed at my attitude, but nodded. "So where am I going?"

"Drugstore down the road. I need to pick up a few things, then back to my flat." I nodded, turned on the engine and headed down the road.


author's note ; okay so I know Mali-koa isn't really twenty-five, Calum doesn't have that big of a family, and it's never really that cold in Australia but for the sake of the story lets pretend k?

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