Stay safe thats an order pt 2

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I smiled widely at the open fields as my horse galloped closet and closer to the amber waves of grain. I was home. I had been gone from the overrun Telmarine castle for longer than anticipated. The swooshing of hooves on grass soon turned to the familiar clack in cobblestone. It echoed through the tunnels as I made my way deeper into the castle grounds.
"The lady is back!" A common folk cheered and soon started a roar amongst the crowd.
"Let king peter know of l/ns return!"
A servant quickly ran off into the castle. I smiled as I steadied my horse. She shuffled around but I reined her back in. I settled all of my stuff in so I could get off of my horse but in a matter of moments I was helped.
I got off of her with someone's hands on my waist and I looked over to see peter.
"You're back. It had only been two months longer than expected. I thought something had happened to you."
"I am alright peter. Besides, I gathered more information and friends that way. Sometimes the unexpected happens." I shrugged as I untied the satchel from my horses behind.
"Well, you could have at least sent a letter."
"I did. Did you not receive it?"
"No, I didn't get anything." Peters brows furrowed and he crossed his arms.
"Strange, who's in charge of the mail?"
"A couple of the servants bring it to us. Then we distribute it."
"Well I guess we will have to fix this system if we are losing mail. That's not okay. What if it was an important trade that you missed? I'll get right to it."
I lugged all my stuff up the main stairs and peter jogged close behind me.
"But you just got back, aren't you tired?"
"Business doesn't wait for sleep, Peter. I got to get it done while I can."

We had carried on the dispute of my work till I got to my room and set my stuff down.
"Peter Pevensie, I -and only i- know what's good for me and you cannot tell me to with hold my working motivation. Now I'm sorry but I will be fixing this error as soon as possible whether you like it or not."
Peter seemed shocked but soon his face turned into a grin.
"Well Lady y/n, I am your king. And whether you like it or not, I demand that you take a break and that's an order. You just got back from a four month trip and you're already going back to work? Not on my watch. Now i want you to sit and relax."
He pushed me down onto the bed and smiled as he walked out. Damn his smile.
I laid on the bed and sighed. It really was soft and comfortable.
I closed my eyes and rested my head. And as soon as I closed my eyes I was asleep.

"Shh. You'll wake her. Lady y/n is exhausted. Leave her for now. Any matters can wait." I kept my eyes closed but listened to the familiar male voice shoo off a couple maids.
"Peter! Y/n has to sign these documents!" Susan hissed.
"She's sleeping. Let her rest."
"Peter, just because you're in love with her doesn't mean you can coddle her for the rest of her life."
"I'm not coddling her. I'm merely... protecting our noblewoman therefore protecting our investment and prosperity."
Susan raised an eyebrow at him
"And maybe I'm coddling her a little."
She sighed and slapped the papers in his hands.
"Well have your future queen sign these documents when you're done smothering her."
She walked off sassily and I couldn't help but smile stealthily.
He does love me too

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