shuri has a crush; peter is a lovable idiot, as usual

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shuritzo @brincessofwakanda
somebody explain to me why tf i'm friends with this idiot @yeeter

holy @shit

peter with a b @yeeter

shuritzo @brincessofwakanda
oh shuri yes

shuritzo @brincessofwakanda
he tried to text me "jumping off the empire state building now, look" but made a typo and ended up with "humping off the empire state building now, look"

holy @shit

officially me @spideyman
lmao loser

peter with a b @yeeter
@spideyman ouch

caw caw motherfuckers @clintb
@yeeter i condone this humping

holy @shit

you know who i am @tonystark
@clintb shut up

the only responsible adult @saltnpepper
dear god when will these idiots stop causing a pr shitstorm everywhere they go

you know who i am @tonystark
sorry pep


peter with a b @yeeter
sHuRi haS a crUsH @brincessofwakanda

shuritzo @brincessofwakanda

officially me @spideyman
@brincessofwakanda you're not subtle

caw caw motherfuckers @clintb
@brincessofwakanda you're really not

wanda @scarletbritch
@brincessofwakanda you're not subtle

shuritzo @brincessofwakanda
gee thanks for the vote of confidence 🙄

peter with a b @yeeter
well i'm going to let them know while you die of embarrassment so-

shuritzo @brincessofwakanda


<To: @mj From: @yeeter>

so mj, shuri has a crush as you've probably heard?
well its you. you're her crush.

i know loser
she isn't fucking subtle about it

lmao yes we know


peter with a b @yeeter
@brincessofwakanda she knows. she said and i quote "she isn't fucking subtle about it" lmao get together already.

shuritzo @brincessofwakanda

peter with a b @yeeter
shuri.exe has stopped working

my friends call me @mj

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