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"Ms. Morgan, I think that's enough for this past month."

I didn't bother looking up to my assistant, Dahlia. My eyes and fingers never left the cases that I've been handling. It wasn't my intention to slave in my work but this is passion and commitment. I didn't study and graduate Law for nothing.

"You just go ahead, Dahlia. I must finish these papers."

I turned around my swivel chair and went over my right desk slumped with similar papers. Just as I was about to open a Law book, Dahlia's creamy white chubby hands snatched mine. Snapping my head to her about to give her an ultimatum, she glares at me. Wow. This is a first! Her sea grean eyes looks at me sternly.

"What the hell-"

"No. Please, Boss. I know this is what you do but I am worried with your health. I don't know if it's just me but you've lost weight drastically. This case has been eating you, Ms. Morgan. Plus, your boyfriend and son has been calling non-stop."

Boyfriend? Franx and I began going on dates and we'd hug and cuddle. From our first date to the recent one, all of them are the best. But, he hasn't ask me out to be his girlfriend yet. Though, without the label, I know we both feel the same thing. And.. Law; my sweet baby boy.

I should go home.

Yes, you must! Hurry!

I furiously blushed at her words. I have never expected this from her. My lips tightened and my left fingers consciously went to feel my stomach.

You lost weight.

That's good.

I've lost weight. Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?

"Ms. Venix, please. Go home and eat. We need you here in this firm, Boss."

I was too dazed by her words that I couldn't move my body. All I could think of was of a man from few years ago. When Percy's death was my worst nightmare, my second boyfriend was my greatest downfall.

A sudden flashback came to me.

"My... my own cousin? Really? Why? Why Tyron?"

He rolled his brown eyes. His rich chocolate skin still sweating from his cheating.

"Why? Bitch, because all you do is study and work and eat! When I try to kiss you- hell- we never even kissed! You won't let me touch nor hug you! I mean- at first you were okay but you getting fatter and fatter disgusts me! Now, why would I even hit that?! You wanna know somethin'? You have to lose the fat to get a man love you. I'm done."

Never have I ever felt so low in my life. His words killed my mind, heart, and soul. I felt so naked and bare that time. It was that time where I had completely lost my confidence, self-esteem, and self-love. Looking back, I've realized how broken I still am from those words.

I may have been bullied by Franx but it wasn't really because of my weight nor body but because of mutual high school hate and competition. In truth, Franx wasn't really a fucboi. He'll just have flings and girls but not to the point where he claims the title of a playboy nor a manwhore.

It was also my fault why Franx and I became high school enemies.

I had called him skinny lad in front of the entire middle school before entering high school. Reflecting on it, I've become more aware of how words affect a person's life.

In return, he called me chubby. Yes, chubby but not fat.

Tyron became the sole reason why I starved myself to death until now. We may have not been an official couple but still. This is why I kept on doing Taekwondo and various martial arts. To keep myself busy from eating anything.

Then, I met Cass and Alex. They helped me get through that along with my girls. Unfortunately, I still throw up after eating. I guees I am not fully healed yet. I feel so ashamed and guilty.

I'm scared and too insecured. I don't want Franx to know about that downfall yet. I'm not ready to reopen that downfall chapter of my life. What if he'll look at me differently? What if he doesn't want to deal with anorexia? The nervousness bottled inside me when we saw Casey and Alex revived as I overthink. What if he finds out about it first without me telling him? Will he be like Tyron?

It's to be a secret for now.

This is why I was on the verge of suing the last school that Law has attended. Those kids bullying him because of weight and personal life just don't settle well with me. No one messes with my son. Without Franx helding me back a month ago, I might

My eyes blinked at the shrieking sound outside my car. I didn't realize I'm outside our home.

Our home.

I meant Franx's house. Or home.

"Mommmmy! Mommmy! Daddy, mommy's home!"

I quickly went to my watch to check the time and it's already 10:36 in the evening! Why is he still awake?! Has my he been waiting for me? Why? He should be asleep!

I opened the car's door and I was attacked by Law whose hair have... nutella? Why is his hair smudged in nutella?

His warm and tight hug melted away all the stress and tiredness. With all the strength that I had left, I lifted him up and carried him inside.

''Welcome back home, mommy."

Law mumbled happily.

Yes, sweetheart, I am home.

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