Intro ¡!

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I'm sure we've all wondered what it would be like to have to live without your parents. Well, if you've lived in an orphanage for the entire duration of your life, you wouldn't have to wonder. And, in my case, I don't have to wonder. I've been in the same orphanage since the day I was born and haven't been adopted once. But it's fine with me, I'd rather be living at the orphanage with people that I know and like rather than a family of random strangers.

My orphanage isn't like most. The people here are much nicer, and we're all just one big family. Everyone knows everyone and the headmaster is one of the nicest people you could ever meet.

Anyways, my name is Auburn. Just Auburn, no last name. I'm currently fourteen and turning fifteen in a few months. People who once knew my mother have said that I happen to look a lot like her with my bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. I've seen pictures of my mother before and it turns out that i'm basically an exact replica of her. But anyways, let's get on with the story.
My roommate, Sam, and I had been blasting 5 seconds of summer (aka our favorite band) while dancing around the room like complete idiots for the past hour, but then heard the headmaster say something about a group of people looking to adopt someone. We turned down the music and gave each other "the look".

"You don't think it could be them, do you?" Sam asked me, while continuing to give me her world-famous look; a mix of an overly excited smile and an evil-ish grin. We did this everytime someone came to adopt, and it never really was them. And by "them", Sam had meant 5sos. Since day one of joining the fandom, we had fantasized about living with our four most favorite people in the world, but that had been a fantasy that would never become reality. Or so we thought.

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