chapter one

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When the adoption announcement had ended, Sam and I decided to get ready. After searching through my closet and trying to find the perfect outfit, I eventually settled on a pink 5sos tanktop, white hollister shorts, and a matching pair of pink converse. I also picked out a few silver bracelets, my favorite silver heart necklace, a triple stacked silver ring, and a pair of (yep, you guessed it.) silver stud earrings.

As I turned around to see what Sam had picked out, I noticed that she had thrown on almost exactly what I was wearing. Instead of a pink 5sos shirt, hers was green. We had picked them out for each other last Christmas, and always wore them at the same time. She also chose a pair of white shorts, along with a few bracelets and a necklace. After throwing on a few coats of mascara and french braiding each other's hair, we headed downstairs and waited for the people to arrive.

There weren't many other kids in the lobby with us, as whoever was adopting had narrowed the choices down to girls between the ages of 12 and 15. Finally, we heard the headmaster announce that the group of people was here and to line up to be interviewed. Sam and I headed to the end of the line, and stood next to each other. We never completed the interviews separately, always together. We'd been best friends since the day we arrived and if someone wanted to adopt one of us, they'd have to adopt the other as well. Many people are only willing to adopt one child, which would probably explain why we've been here for fourteen years.

Within a minute or two, we heard the headmaster's heels clicking down the hallway. We all straightened up and immediately quieted down. As she entered the room though, everyone instantly lost it, seeing who was standing right behind her.

It was all four boys from 5sos.

a/n: ooh i bet you didn't see that coming. you most likely did though, assuming you read the title and/or description. pretty sure i'm just talking to myself atm bc i'm pretty sure no one's even reading this 😂 and idec bc i just love writing this even if i'm the only one reading it 😅 but yeah, and i know it's probably not the most interesting at the moment; i tend to go too far into detail sometimes so just leave me some feedback in the comments and maybe even a vote😸💕 i love youu😻😽

xoxo, faith💕🎿

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