chapter two

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My inner fangirl was telling me to freak out, but I tried to stay calm, knowing they would never choose me if I did that. I looked over at Sam, whose jaw had just dropped down to the floor. I then glanced down at the shirt I was wearing, mentally high-fiving myself for choosing today of all days to wear it.

Sam and I stood nervously at the end of the line, watching everyone answer any questions from the boys, then walk back to their rooms, looking disappointed knowing that they probably wouldn't be chosen. This just made us even more nervous, assuming that they had high expectations and were looking for a specific person. We could only hope that we would be the girls they were looking for.

Eventually, we reached the front of the line. Sam gripped my arm tightly, and I then did the same. Sitting down in front of the boys, I could see how badly we both wanted this. Simply meeting the boys right now was mind blowing, but living with them would be a dream come true for both of us.

"Hey girls!" Ashton was first to speak.

"Hi!" we somehow managed to reply.

"I see you're both fans," Calum said with a smile, as they all took notice of our shirt choices for the day.

"Big fans, to be honest." Sam tried to stay calm, but I could tell she was about to burst with happiness.

The rest of the time, they basically just asked us some questions about ourselves and we ended up going into an hour long conversation. We had been talking way longer than anyone else, which I hoped was a good sign. Eventually they said that they had to talk some things over with the headmaster, and that they had made their decision.

When Sam and I reached our room, we shut the door quietly and started to scream very loudly, but remembering that the boys were right below us and could probably hear us, we chose to whisper-scream instead.

"SAM I THINK WE'RE FINALLY BEING ADOPTED!" I yelled as quietly as I could.

"AND BY 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER!" she shouted quietly back. We hadn't even heard their final decision yet and had already begun to assume they might pick us.

"This calls for a celebratory dance!" I called over my shoulder as I headed over to my laptop, turning on "Beside You" and jumping up on my bed. We were dancing and singing so loud, we didn't even realize that the boys had come up to our room and were currently standing in the doorway, watching us dance like idiots.

"Are we interrupting something?" Mikey asked with a laugh.

"Sorry, that tends to happen when we get excited," I explained through giggles while my face had probably turned bright red.

"And why's that?" Luke asked with a smirk.

"Oh you know, we just met our all-time favorite band and sat and talked with them for like an hour, and now they're currently standing right in front of us." Sam explained like this happened every day. I could sense the sarcasm and excitement as she tried to play it cool.

"Well, how would you like to live with your favorite band?" Calum said.

"Seriously?" I asked with excitement rising in my voice, as we both practically fell off our beds in shock.

"Seriously." They all replied unanimously.

"CELEBRATORY DANCE PARTY!" Sam yelled, turning the music back on and beginning our ridiculous dancing once again. This time, the boys joined in and we danced ridiculously for what felt like hours.

a/n; yes i realize this is probably v boring atm but i'm not the best writer anyways😅 i just write these bc they're fun and i have nothing better to do with my life. also, i might be updating again tonight so watch for that😌 but don't hold me to it bc i don't know if i'll have time😅 anyways, i hope you guys like it so far and tysm for reading😽💕

xoxo, faith💗

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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