#1 The Look

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James catches Lily staring at him - and this isn't the first time.

- bear in mind this is the first one shot i've ever written so it may be a little dodgy*

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Perhaps if this was the first time it had happened, he would have assumed that he had food on his face, or snot hanging from his nose - and that is what he thought the first few times - but that was the thing. This wasn't the first time he had caught her staring. It was the 11th time this day. The 71st time since Monday.

What? It's not like he was keeping track.

It was Thursday night in the Gryffindor common room and Lily Evans was staring at James Potter.

Oh, how the tables had turned.

It seemed to James that as soon as he had decided it was time to get over Lily, because she clearly despised him, was the exact moment that Lily had decided he wasn't such an arrogant toerag after all.

That was okay though, because James did still like Lily, and if James liked Lily and Lily liked James, maybe they could be James and Lily or Lily and James. He didn't care. All he knew was that it was now or never.

Except there was one problem. The one thing that stood in between the two of them was Chloe. The girl James had chosen to rebound with.

'Prongs, you're staring again.' Remus nudged him with a sly smile.

'Just dump Chloe and ask Lily out. It's easy.' a second voice said behind him.

'Do y'not think that'd make them mad? He can't just jump between girls like that. Lily will think she's getting played.' said another wise voice.

James took his eyes off Lily, who was now immersed in a book, unbeknownst to James, one hundred percent aware that she had been caught and he was staring right back. He looked at his friends.

'Wormtail's right, Pads. Lily wouldn't react well to that.'

James put his head in his hands, and dug the heels of his hands into his eyes, rubbing them in frustration.

'What am I meant to do?' He groaned, more to himself than the others.

'Dump her! Dump her! Dump her!' Sirius quietly chanted under Remus' voice.

'Dump her. Wait a month. Ask Lily out.'

'A month! What if she's lost interest by then?' James asked, frowning with concern. He wasn't sure if he should risk it.

'Something tells me she won't.' Remus said, eyes glinting, looking past James.

James turned just in time to see Lily's eyes quickly flash back down at her book.



'Alright, Evans?'

Lily Evans turned round in one swift movement to face James Potter. In reflex to her gaze, James' hand robotically moved to his hair and he ruffled it about a little, making his jet black locks sit even more untidily on top of his slim face.

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