o. heartfirst

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i'm gonna jump right in, baby,with my heart first

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i'm gonna jump right in, baby,
with my heart first


               LACEY ASTOR had been a Pogue since the day she was born. Growing up in the Cut wasn't easy and Lacey's mother had to work several jobs at once just to make ends meet. With Lacey's father barely in the picture, the two struggled, but that soon changed when Marisol met Eric Lancaster. Eric had a successful business supplying boats to people around the Outer Banks and it brought in a lot of money. The couple had met one evening while Marisol was picking up a shift at a restaurant over in Figure Eight. It was love at first sight and six months after Marisol had met him, the two got married.

     As a Lancaster, it now meant both Marisol and Lacey had to keep up appearances. The family moved to Figure Eight and into a house bigger than all of the young girls friends' combined. It was a big change and Lacey soon got caught up in the wealthy lifestyle. She loved the glitz and glam that came along with her new found wealth and she knew it was where she was meant to be. Her past life had been horrible and Lacey never wanted to go back to that. Seeing her mother working almost every second of the day just to keep a roof over their heads was tough and something Lacey never wanted to experience again.

     Everything was now perfect in Lacey's life. She had money, a good home, a great group of friends, and no more fears of being homeless. Yet Lacey was not entirely happy. There was something missing, something that was not so easy to forget it.

     And that something was JJ Maybank.

     Lacey hadn't seen JJ or any of her old friends since the day she moved, so she was surprised when Kiara walked back into her life. It didn't take long after that for the group to rekindle the friendship they once had, however this time it was different. Lacey was back with the Pogues, but not everyone was entirely pleased. While JJ was happy to have the girl he'd been in love with since he was a kid back, he couldn't help but still feel the sting from being left behind.

     The dynamic of the group had changed. Lacey was not the same girl she once was and her friends all knew that. Most of them accepted the change, but JJ couldn't. He couldn't forget the pain she had caused him when she moved away and he also couldn't let go of the promise she had made him. The same promise she had unknowingly broken.

It didn't seem like Lacey and JJ would ever be able to go back to how they used to be and with a hurricane, a treasure hunt, and new feelings emerging, maybe that was a good thing.

as always, this book is dedicated to
wolfiesangel i love you <3
(you don't have to read it i just like showing you my appreciation)

i don't own OUTER BANKS
or any of the characters associated with it,
however i do own my characters
and their storylines.

this book will contain many themes
that some people may find upsetting.
if you have seen the show
you will already know this,
so read at your own risk.

i don't know how frequent
updates will be, but i will try to update
as much as i possibly can.

started: 12/05/2020
published: 13/05/2020
republished: 17/02/2024
finished: —

HEARTFIRST ── JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now