i. rooftop adventures

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' I forgot we were friends with Richie Rich

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' I forgot we were friends with Richie Rich. '


               The bright midday sun danced across Lacey's tan skin, as her legs dangled over the ledge of the construction site she was perched on. A warm beer can sat beside her which she picked up, taking a sip of its contents. The young girl and her friends Kiara, Pope, John B, and JJ had stumbled upon the home that was under construction on one of their days out together. It became somewhere for them to hang out, watch the sunset, and drink beer away from their parents. They didn't have any permission to be on the property by any means, but that didn't stop them. It was the owners' fault for leaving the place so accessible for any old group of misfits to find. It was just their luck that the Pogues had found it first.

Lacey placed her can back down on the railing as she watched the sun slowly setting. The light breeze blew the brunettes hair behind her. Any loose strands on her face had been pushed back by the sunglasses resting on top of her head. She was pretty high up and if she fell she'd be in for a world of pain, but Lacey tried not to dwell on that possibility as she instead focused on what she could see in front of her.

     The view was remarkable, something you could never grow bored of. Lacey watched the waves crashing against the sand as she felt her worries slip away in the quiet. It was calming and Lacey loved the sense of peace it gave her. It was nice for her to get away from her busy life for a few hours with her friends and just chill out.

     Lacey took another sip of her beer. It had grown slightly warm from being sat in the sun all day and she didn't even particularly like the taste, but it was all they had to drink at that moment so Lacey made the most of it.

"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck?" a voice from behind Lacey asked. She turned her head to face Pope and see what he was referring to, holding onto the railing as she did this in order to steady herself so she didn't fall. Lacey followed Pope's gaze up to John B who was balancing on the roof of the building. Her breath hitched in her throat as she realised how high up he was even in comparison to where she was. She had been too distracted by the stunning view to notice the reckless boy climb so high. "I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival," Pope added.

John B looked as if he was weighing up his options before replying. "Hm," he began, licking his finger and testing which direction the wind was coming. "Should I do it?"

"Yeah, you should jump, I'll shoot you on the way down," Pope replied, holding up a drill he had found amongst the workers tools. Lacey watched the exchange, a humoured smile on her face. It felt like old times again with the friends she had missed.

HEARTFIRST ── JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now