I remeber when the only stick sticking
Out of my friends mouths were lolipop
I remember when the worst thing youCould get from a boy was cooties.
Or when dads shoulder was the highest
Place on earth and mom was your hero.
I remember when the only thing we drankWas orange juice. Or when my worst
Enemies were my siblings. And when
War was only a card game. Or when skirts
Didn't go so high above your thighs.
I remember when the worst pain in theWorld
Wasn't heart ache...It was scraping your
Knee on the sidewalk.
And when'Goodbyes' only meant until tomorrow?
And we couldn't wait to grow up...
What were we thinking?
Quotes and Sayings
Puisi30 Chapters of quotes,poems and sayings Warning: May need tissue box near by.