Making the Most of Life

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Armin is talking to Mikasa, while eating some granola bars. I would ask Mikasa to join, but she likes to take it upon herself to be my mom and I don't want her to try to stop us.

Think, think! How can I separate them without raising suspicion? I got it! Running up to them, I put my arms around both of their shoulders and grin. They give me a relieved look and hug me tightly.

"Geez guys! Didn't think you'd miss me that much. I wasn't even gone a whole day," I say while chuckling.

"Yes, well we didn't even know you were gone until Erwin announced it at breakfast. You could have at least warned us!" Mikasa scolds me like, what I said earlier, my mom.

"I'm sorry guys... We left really early and I didn't want to wake you, but guess what! I'm part of the Levisquad now!"

When those words leave me, I'm yanked into the back storage room, by Grisha.

"I heard. Levi came to me and informed me they were taking you in. I'm going to tell Erwin that you're my son soon. Now don't fuck it up like you do with everything else!" he growls out before rushing out.

All of the excitement and slight bit of pride, leaves me. In my time with the Levisquad, I had nearly forgotten that I was just doing what my father asked. I walk back to Armin, who was now standing alone, and rest my head on his shoulder.

Armin patted my head and pulled me back into the storage room where we both grabbed clothes, heading outside. Erwin gave us a smile while Levi just scoffed at us both. I was too numb to care, so I just ignored him and followed Armin to the lake to bathe.

I had remembered to bring my duffel and a towel, so I rushed Armin to bathe and change. When he started to walk back towards camp, I stopped him with plan A—Bribery.

"Hey Armin, I found some root beer on the run today. I thought we could just sit on that big rock over there and hang out like we used to. Also got those Cool Ranch Doritos you've always wanted to try..." I say.

Because his old man hated junk food, the only time Armin got any was when I smuggled it over. It made me feel like a drug dealer, which we both found funny. Armin is nodding his head quickly and had already climbed onto the big rock while I was lost in my memories.

Personally, I'm a Lays snob, but to each their own. Do you have a favorite or do ya just eat whatever is available? Sorry, just trying to learn more about my new friend...

Chuckling, I took out the warm cans of soda and the snacks, bringing them to Armin. I felt my pocket, feeling the bong, then started eating with him. While he was in junk food heaven, I broached the subject.

"Remember when we were younger and you said you had always been curious about what smoking weed would be like?" He nods so I continue, pulling out the bong and Ziploc, "Let's do it! I got snacks and drinks. We got everything we need!" I say excitedly.

He nods his head cautiously and scoots closer to me while I pack the bowl and pull out my lighter. After explaining how it works, I take my first puff of the plant in about five months.

I hold the high-inducing smoke in until my lungs feel ready to burst, then I exhale slowly. Another good thing that came out of Grisha's torture methods. I could hold my breath for a VERY long time, making the effects hit me faster.

I didn't know much about the different types of marijuana, but this one was strong, whatever it was. A laugh escapes my mouth when I see Armin try to mimic me, and he chokes, sputtering and glaring at me. Hey, it's not my fault he's never done this before!

"It just takes practice. Just keep breathing it in until you can't anymore, then exhale all the smoke. Here, drink some water first." I say, handing him water.

Zombie Fodder(Riren/Ereri)Where stories live. Discover now