Chapter 4

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"Lady Viyana, are you listening?"

Even though she was awake, Viyana's mind was on things far outside the walls of her home. Worry and distraction had shut down her senses, leaving her as close to asleep as possible while remaining conscious. The voice startled her, causing her to jerk in her chair as though struck by an unexpected static shock. "I'm sorry. What were you saying, Ilderra?"

"I was asking if you've seen any messenger faeries today," Ilderra responded. The newly appointed high priestess of Meadowgold sat across from Viyana at the large dining table. She was dressed in her elegant Temple robes, the color standing out against her pale skin. Her long, straight hair was woven into a thick, single braid.

"Oh. No, I haven't seen any messages come today." Viyana gave her reply quickly, then returned to staring at the far wall.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Ilderra questioned.

"Of course," Viyana lied for at least the tenth time in two days. In truth, she was holding onto more secrets than she ever thought possible. She'd been harboring her old friend Sunrise, an elf wanted by the Temple, keeping him shut away in her home. He wasn't there now, instead somewhere in the Savage Lands east of the city with the nomad, Zehylr. She was supposed to meet up with them two days ago to go in search of the mysterious group supposedly led by Firefly, Tranquility's other fugitive.

As if that weren't enough to give her a headache, she also had a prisoner and a Temple spy to deal with. Rainstorm, an elven acolyte from Tranquility, had been sent to search Meadowgold in secret for the fugitives. As the leader of the human tribe, Viyana had to be accommodating to him. But it was difficult to help someone find the very person she was trying to hide. He'd been with her when a group of cloaked figures was spotted in the crowd during Ilderra's speech two days ago. They'd managed to capture one of them and lock him up without creating any suspicion amongst the people.

This really wasn't a good time to be breaking in Meadowgold's first-ever High Priestess.

Ilderra raised an eyebrow and cocked her head to the side. The motion communicated that she wasn't falling for Viyana's lie but also wasn't confident enough to question further. Ilderra had come to Meadowgold timid and afraid. Her new calling was a heavy one, but her former reputation amongst her tribe as a bumbling klutz had made it all but impossible to be taken seriously. Her speech had helped to win them over, but she still had a ways to go.

Viyana decided to change the subject before her house guest found the courage to confront her. "What message are you waiting on?"

"I sent a letter to High Priestess Mapleleaf in Moon-hollow two evenings ago," Ilderra answered. She paused for a moment, taking a sip of warm tea from her mug. The weather seemed to be turning cold much earlier than normal this year. The newly appointed spiritual leader was actually grateful that her new robes were so thick and well layered. "I'm hoping to have some time to meet with her after the Tri-leaf Council concludes its business at Autumn-sein."

"Looking for pointers?" Viyana asked.

Ilderra laughed. "Looking for a lot more than just pointers. Our people asked for a High Priestess; they chose to put Meadowgold under the Lady's care. I want to make sure they get all the blessings that come along with that. I want to put a magical barrier around the territory. I want to know all the rights and ceremonies humans have always had to go all the way to Tranquility to participate in." She took another sip of her drink. The porcelain mug slipped from her hands as she put it down. She managed to catch it before it broke, but a bit of tea sloshed out onto her sleeve. She took a deep breath as she reached for a towel. "And I want to learn how to lead a Shimmer-sehr celebration."

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