Chapter 12

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 For Firefly and her Open Sky devotees, it had been a long day and even longer night of traveling. They were heading east, but had to do so within the Savage Lands to stay well away from any roads. The journey was a guessing game, trying to strike a delicate balance between far enough away from the Lands of Order but not so far as to attract attention from the savage tribes. Through densely packed trees they trekked, stopping only to eat and for short rests. Night came and they did not stop. Torches were used sparingly so as to not be visible through the foliage. In the morning, the light of dawn shone from behind the silhouetted mountains. The terrain got hillier, but the trees thinned.

"We're almost there," Zehlyr said from the front of the pack. It was the first time he'd spoken since they set off. Since he was leading the group, no one stood in front of him to see his expression, but his movements and occasional sighs indicated that something was heavy on his mind.

"That's wonderful," Firefly said. "I'll hang back and spread the word." She flew slowly back through the marching humans and elves, telling them the good news in clusters as they passed beneath her. It brought smiles to many weary faces. Everyone was long ready to sleep. She found Sunrise walking alone near the back of the pack. Her former mentor seemed lost in thought. His right hand was extended, with palm up and fingers spread. She watched as, over and over again, Sunrise gave a determined look, jerked his hand, and finished with a defeated sigh when nothing happened.

"Powers still haven't come back?" she asked as she neared.

He groaned and lowered his hand. "No, I'm fearing that the Lady will never deem me worthy again."

"But that's exactly your problem," she replied. "You won't stop thinking that tossing down your robes and defying the Temple is a sin you must atone for. Silvermist took your powers away because you believe she has the authority to do so."

"She is the Grand Seryan," he said. "She is the Lady's chosen leader."

"She's an elf, Sunrise. She's just an elf." Sunrise extended his hand again, but Firefly landed on his palm before he could attempt another cast. "Unless you accept that, you'll never get your powers back. Let the Lady decide if you are worthy, not a corrupted elf who thinks herself more of a queen than a steward of the divine. After all, she can't take from you what the Lady already took from her."

"What do you mean?"

"I believe Silvermist has lost her magic as well." When Sunrise gave her a confused stare, she continued. "Think about it. You were there with me in the Temple. Demons, spawn of the Vehlrock itself, were pouring into the Lady's House, and what did the Grand Seryan do?"

Sunrise's eyes went wide. "She... she just stood there." The whole battle had been so chaotic that he'd never pondered on that. They'd stood right next to each other, and he never saw Silvermist cast a single spell.

Firefly nodded. "She's lost her magic, so she's trying to fill the void with political power. I believe that's why she finds my magic to be so threatening. She's no longer the Lady's chosen, but she won't admit it and give up the throne."

Firefly lifted off Sunrise's hand and he extended it to try again. If her theory was true, then Silvermist really didn't have the authority to rob him of his magic. Maybe he didn't need the Temple. Maybe it was time to cast off Tranquility. He thrust his palm upwards, but no spell came to fruition. He groaned, balled up his hand, and struck the side of his fist against his leg in frustration.

Firefly smiled playfully. "You could see if Orchid wants to help you practice. I bet she'd be happy to assist you."

"Orchid?" he questioned. "Why?"

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