21: Feelings

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(A/N I'm so mad. Wattpad glitched and deleted my whole chapter before I was able to publish. So I had to rewrite it all. But It's done now and ready to go.)


Bakugo POV

I was walking with Deku as we made our way back to the lounge. I could tell he still wasn't doing too well. He started swaying so I gripped his shoulder to steady him. He thanked me and gave me a grateful smile. We kept walking and I started to think about Deku and my relationship. I know he said he forgave me but I can't help but feel like I was still the reason for ruining his childhood. I knew that if I hadn't he probably wouldn't have become an ultra-famous idol at only 17 but it's always been his dream to be a hero and save people. And I just crushed it.

I didn't mean for him to give up. I didn't mean to cause him so much trouble. I started to bully him because I didn't want him to get hurt or killed. Hero work was dangerous and without a quirk, he had a higher chance of injury and possibly death. God. If he died I don't think I would be able to live long after. Even through all the bullying, he was still my loudest supporter and encouragement. It's obvious that I still have strong feelings for him but I probably sealed my fate when I told him to die 2 years ago. There is no way he would love me. I'm not going to push him to love me either because I don't want to ruin the fragile bond we have now.

I sighed to myself over my internal conflicts, not realizing Deku start to fall out of my grasp. "Izuku!" I don't register who yelled out, I couldn't even move my body. I just stared. I stared as I watched the members crowd around Hiroshi-san who was holding the unconscious Deku in his lap. I stared as medics pushed their way to the center. I stared as they checked vitals and started to pick him up. I stared as he was carted quickly to the exit, probably going to the hospital. I stared as the person I loved, the person I tormented, was carried away from me. My brain didn't recognize the conversations that were happening; there were only rumbles. It was like I was underwater.

I finally reacted when Shitty Hair started to shake my shoulder. " Hey, Bakubro you ok?" "Fine Shitty Hair. What happened?" He looked at me concerned but I didn't care, I just wanted to know what happened. "Well Midoriya-san passed out and Hiroshi-san called out to him while he was falling. He caught him before hitting the ground. Midoriya was breathing heavily and when the medics came they suspected he passed out by exhaustion and stress; he was also supporting a small fever. The managers believed it to be a good idea to get him to the hospital since they wanted to make sure his fever didn't evolve into a greater chance of being sick. Anyway, they all just left and we are going as well."

I followed him as he started to walk in the direction that the others had left in. Staff quickly ushered us into the car so they could get going and follow the car with Izuku to the hospital. I realized that Four Eyes and Half-and-Half probably went with Izuku cause they weren't in the car with me, Racoon Eyes, and Shitty Hair. Although, we did have Daisuke-san, Susumu-san, and Kenta-san in our car. The car quickly started and began to make its way to the hospital.

Time Skip


How could I let this happen? When the van pulled up to the hospital, Izu was taken and we were led into a private waiting room. We were waiting for information from Izukus' doctor when the rest of the group, UA students, and staff made their way into the room. After waiting a few more minutes with no word, a doctor came in wishing to speak with both me and Mr.Sejin privately.

We were ushered out of the room and followed him down the hall, supposedly toward Izukus' room. My assumption was correct when we entered a private room and Izuku laid peacefully on the bed. It always pained me when I watched Izuku sleep. He looked so peaceful in contrast to the suppressed look of anxiety and stress when awake. After entering the room, the doctor gestured toward two chairs provided at the bedside of Izuku. As we sat down he went to the other side to explain Izukus's condition. "Well, Izuku did in fact pass out from exhaustion and stress. I can understand the stress with the factors that this is your first world tour, you 7 are constantly pushed to your limit, and Izuku has been diagnosed with anxiety. I would recommend taking more breaks away from the camera and just relaxing. Also, in relation to his exhaustion, it would seem that his muscles are quite strained. Ryo-san, how often does your group practice?"

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