Chapter 1

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"How troublesome," said a lazy Nara, sitting toward the back of the classroom. He let out a sigh, wondering why his troublesome father (cough, mother) made him even join the academy 6 years ago. Now, Shikamaru has graduated and he had only done the bare minimum to pass.

The boy looked around the classroom, already deducing who would be on his troublesome team. Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akamichi. Choji, while troublesome, is slightly less troublesome than his troublesome peers. The Akamichi is technically his best friend. Afterall, he didn't disturb his cloud watching and Shikamaru didn't care if the boy always ate. If he wants to eat, let him eat. Too troublesome to stop him anyway.

Ino is a whole other troublesome topic. Ino is a fangirl. An annoying, troublesome fangirl. Shikamaru has known her since he was a baby, but that was a given because of their fathers' InoShikaCho relations. That, however, did not change the pineapple-haired boy's opinion of her. Though, Shikamaru didn't hate her, that was too troublesome.

Speaking of troublesome... "Naruto, what are you doing here? Only people who passed the exam can be here," Shikamaru drawled, not even looking at him.

"Don't you see my hiate? I passed fair and square, dattebayo!" Naruto shouted, fixing his ninja headband. Shikamaru chose not to answer. He also chose to ignore Narutos' first kiss with Ino's "Sasuke-kun." If only he could ignore his mother.

Soon the shenanigans were broke up by Iruka-sensei and he began to call out the teams. "... team 10: Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akamichi, and Ino Yamanaka." Just as Shikamaru predicted.

"Why does forehead get my Sasuke-kun while I'm stuck with a lazy slacker and a fatso?" Ino wined.

Shikamaru let out a sigh. "Troublesome women," he grumbled. Choji just blushed a bit. Ino is the only one who can get by with calling Choji fat.

Iruka called lunch break, telling everyone to return in an hour, and Ino turned her vicious gaze towards Shikamaru, and the boy thought about running away- he really did, but that would take too much work. And time. And effort. So what did he do? Shikamaru just sat there as Ino beat the crap out of him.

When Ino was finally done, walking away with a huff murmuring about finding her Sasuke-kun, Shikamaru did a one over of himself.

Injuries- Just some flesh wounds, mostly bruising and scrapes. No internal injuries.

Tiredness- Not as tired as before, because Shikamaru took a small nap as Ino beat the crap out of him.

Chakra levels- High, didn't bother to use any to protect himself.

Anything else to bother about- Too troublesome.

Shikamaru looked around the room, seeing that he was by himself. Choji seemed to have left to go eat with his family, and there wasn't anybody in the room as far as Shikamaru could see. The boy let out a huff. What he was about to do is troublesome yet necessary.

The pineapple-haired boy concentrated chakra into his hand and started to heal all the bruises and scratches Ino had gifted him with.


Asuma leaned in with interest, watching Shikamaru heal the recent wounds Ino had bestowed upon him. He let out a low whistle in appreciation, catching the attention of some of the soon-to-be Jonin senseis leaving to spy on the prospective Genin.

The Hokage looked up at his son, gesturing towards the boy in the crystal ball. "Looks like you have a genius in more than the mind on your hands."

"Never pegged him as a healer," the man stated, twiddling with his pack of cigarettes, watching with jealousy as his father inhaled the tobacco from his pipe.

Some of the Jonin crowded around the crystal ball, trying to see who this said 'genius' was. Suddenly, Shikamaru stopped his healing and slowly turned his head, looking straight up at them. Hiruzen frowned and adjusted the placement of the Hidden Crystal Eye Jutsu, only to watch Shikamaru's eyes follow its path. Asuma's eyes narrowed, the Jonin who were watching frozen in their spot. It was thought to be impossible to detect the Hidden Crystal Eye Jutsu, but this boy... he somehow detected it.

"It seems like he's a sensor as well," Hiruzen spoke with slight amusement. He leaned back in his seat and intertwined his hands. "You know what this means, don't you?"

Asuma nodded. "If not treated correctly, this could have an adverse effect on his career." The man paused. "And if let out... he could be targeted before he could become a greater threat to other villages." At this he looked at the other Jonin in the room, who all looked nervous at the statement.

Shikamaru cannot be discovered as a genius more than the mind at any cost. Nara's already go for a hefty price- even higher during war times. They were either captured or killed during the 3rd shinobi war whenever their pineapple-shaped hair came into view. Nara's were known for their ingenious strategies and shadow jutsu's. Every village wanted at least one to keep handy and Konoha has a whole village full. Not only is Shikamaru the clan head's son, he's also a literal genius. His grades took some attention off of him for now, but in the future...

Asuma let his eyes wander to the Jonin that occupied the room. All were seemingly trustworthy, but so was the recent trator Mitsuki. They couldn't be too careful now, and the interrogation Mitsuki is under right now has yet to reveal if he worked under orders or not. Asuma's eyes narrowed. If the man wasn't working alone, it could mean that someone has been placing spy's in the village. Spy's are not an uncommon thing, afterall, Konoha has at least 3 spy's in each Hidden village, but to have a spy able to worm his way into an academy and go after the Jinchuriki of all people... The smoker's gaze went to his father, knowing that the man had come to the same conclusion.

"Nobody leaves this office till I tell you to," Sarutobi sighed, rubbing his temples. Before there could be any protest, the man continued. "Don't worry, you'll be back in time to gather your Genin teams."

The Third leaned forward and clicked the summon button so his secretary would come. When she opened the door and looked around the room in question, Hiruzen told her two words that chilled most to the bone. "Get Inoichi."

{May 12, 2020}

Now I know what you are thinking. "Are you really writing another story when you can't even keep up with your other stories?"

The answer is yes... yes I am.

I was struck with inspiration, and I had to act on it. It was originally just going to be a quick one shot, but one thing lead to another... who am I kidding. My brain refuses to write one shots. I ended making some sort of mystery in here and coming up with a rough plot in my head and I was like, "hey, this has potential." So... here we are.

I hope I won't make this too predictable. I'm going to be honest, this was going to be another time travel fic, but I decided against it. I already have 4(yes 4, one hasn't been posted yet and I'm working hard on it) time travel fics, so oh well. Who knows what this will turn into.

Well, hopefully I can stop procrastinating so much (wait... am I procrastinating by doing this instead of homework?...) and actually keep typing and posting new parts as often as I used to. Back in the day, I used to post 1 to 3 updates a week. Those were the good times, eh? I also had no social life... oh who am I kidding, I only have a slightly better social life now.

Finally (shameless plug), if you are new to my stories and are getting sick of me taking forever, take a look at my account and look at my completed (or the not complete ones, that's fine too) stories Fox, and I'm Fine. I honestly cringe looking back at them because I started them as a baby writer (I'm basically a toddler now), but I promise that they (Fox at least) get better as they go on.

Anyways... this authors note is looking about as long as the chapter so I'll stop here. 

Thanks for reading and criticism is encouraged :)


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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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