in this together

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When they left school for good they both went to different universities. They spoke over facetime but it wasn't the same for three years they haven't seen eachothers in person except for weekends or a few days in the holidays. But now they've both finished their education they're going to move in together. On the phone...

Chad: I'm at the station sweetie

Ryan: yay! I can't wait to see you!

Chad: no I can't wait to see you

They both chuckle.

Chad: when is your train going to get here?

Ryan: about 3 minutes.

Chad: okay, are you alright? I know you don't like public spaces...

Ryan: it's better seeing your face it takes my mind off it plus Gabriella is sat next to me (Gabriella smiles at him)

Chad: good sweetie, Troy's here too (shows Troy on camera)

Ryan: oh we're here train stopped.

Chad: yay! I'll see you in a minute baby

Ryan: see you in a minute

Ryan hangs up and him and Gabriella get off the train. As soon as Ryan and Chad see eachother they smile, Ryan runs up to Chad and jump hugs him then they kiss.

Ryan: I missed you

Chad: I missed you too sweetheart

They kiss again and Chad puts him down.

Chad: let's get home sweetie

Ryan: mhm

They say goodbye to Troy and Gabriella and get in Chad's car. While Chad's driving they catch up on what happened. Ryan yawns. Chad holds his hand.

Chad: long journey sweetheart?

Ryan: (nods) mmmm

Chad: as soon as we get home we can cuddle.

Ryan: yay

Chad: (chuckles) you're so cute

Ryan: thank you

When they get in they put Ryan's things down and they go upstairs and get in bed. Chad is lying on his back and Ryan is half on top of him with his arms wrapped securely around Chad, head resting on his chest.

Chad: I love you

Ryan: I love you too

They kiss before falling asleep.

HSM Chad x Ryan (Chyan)Where stories live. Discover now