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Chad opened the door and was met by the faces of Gabriella and Troy.

Chad: come in.

They walk in and chad closes the door behind them.

Troy: (laughs) why is Ryan on your back?

Chad: (looks back at Ryan) sleepy aren't you babe? after all the decorating...

Ryan: (nods) mmm (buries his head in Chad's neck)

Chad, Troy and Gabriella chuckle. They all sit down on the sofa. Chad puts Ryan down on the end and sits next to him and Troy sits next to Chad and Gabriella is on the end. Chad puts his arm around Ryan who snuggles into his side and wraps an arm around him.

Chad: what should we watch?

Chad starts scrolling through the movie's.

Troy: how about IT?

Chad: sure, ry? Gab? What do you think?

Gabriella: sure

Chad: ry?

Ryan: isn't that the scary one?

Chad: yeah baby but I'll be by your side

Ryan: (rests his head on Chad's shoulder) okay...

Chad pecks Ryan on the lips. Chad starts the movie.

Ryan: why would you talk to a clown in a sewer!

Then pennywise bites Georgie.

Ryan: (hides his head in Chad's chest)

Chad runs his fingers through Ryan's hair.

Chad: (whispers in Ryan's ear) shh calm down it's not real baby.

Ryan: I know it's scary though.

Chad: do you want me to go and get a blanket to make you feel more safe baby?

Ryan: yes please.

Chad goes and gets Ryan a blanket. When he gets back he makes sure Ryan is wrapped up well and sits behind him with an arm across Ryan's chest and the other hand holding Ryan's hand drawing circles on the back of it. Ryan kisses Chad's cheek.

Ryan: thank you

Chad: you're welcome

Ryan snuggles into Chad.

Chad managed to calm Ryan down so much he fell asleep. When the movie is finished.

Troy: how did ry fall asleep? he was so scared at the beginning.

Chad: I don't know I did the usual things that calm him down and he fell asleep. Anyway, do you guys want pizza?

Troy: sure.

Chad: okay let me just wake ry up then I'll order it.

Chad kisses Ryan's forehead.

Chad: wake up angel

Ryan: (wakes up) I fell asleep?

Chad: yep baby

Ryan: oh

Chad: you want pizza?

Ryan: yes please

Chad: okay

Chad orders the pizza.

Chad: it'll be here in 15 minutes

While they wait for the pizza they talk and play a few board games. After they eat Troy and Gabriella say thanks then leave.  With Chad and Ryan, cuddling on the sofa.

Chad: I'm sorry we watched IT baby.

Ryan: don't worry sweetie you were here

Chad leans down and they kiss.

Chad: I love you

Ryan: I love you more

Chad: no I love you more

Ryan: (kisses Chad) I love you more

Chad: (kisses Ryan deeper) I love you more.

Ryan: mmm I love you more

Ryan kisses Chad and chad kisses back. Chad pushes Ryan back on the sofa, running his fingers through his hair. They end up fucking again they clean up.

Chad: twice in one day!

Ryan: mmm I ache

Chad: let's go to bed baby

Ryan: mmm

Chad: (picks Ryan up) I love you

Ryan: I love you too sweetheart

Chad carries Ryan to their room and puts him on the bed. Ryan puts his cat onesie back on and Chad puts on some boxers and then they cuddle up in bed. Ryan pecked Chad on the lips.

Ryan: night night sweetie.

Chad: goodnight baby.

They both fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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