p r e f a c e / s u m m a r y . [new]

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✥   u p d a t e   ✥
as of 2023

Deviance is currently undergoing major revising, reediting, and rewriting. I started working on this story almost 3 years ago, where I was a drastically different person and writer compared to now. I've since matured and gained more professional writing experience. Basically, this current version of Deviance is not my best work, now that I have higher standards for my writing. Please keep this in mind if you continue to read!

Revised chapters will be republished and labeled as rewritten or edited. Dual 3rd person POV is in progress - chapters will be labeled as Marie/Nathaniel's perspective. 

✥    d e d i c a t i o n   ✥

To all those who daydream during class.

✥   a e s t h e t i c s   ✥

✥   a e s t h e t i c s   ✥

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✥   s u m m a r y   ✥

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✥   s u m m a r y   ✥

Now entering her second year of college, Marianna Mor felt a sense of stagnancy engulf her life. The constant cycle of studies and academics, mediocre frat boys, and overbearing parental expectation has only heightened Marie's desire for her darkest secrets. Secrets she doesn't share with anyone. Secrets that involve a dominant man with a belt one hand and the other hand wrapped around her throat.

With a last-minute addition to her semester coursework, Marie's life clashes with that of Professor Nathaniel Dameron. With a Ph.D. in abnormal psychology, Professor Dameron has made a life's work of studying the deepest and darkest corners of the human mind. World-renowned and respected for his insights, these illicit ideas follow him to his personal life behind closed doors and in the bedroom.

He's exactly who Marie needs, as she to him. Enticed by the forbidden nature of their relationship, the two are in for a dangerous game. 

✥   p r e f a c e   ✥

This novel is an erotica - meaning it contains mature topics and sexual themes. Under Wattpad's content guidelines, it falls under the mature rating. There's an age gap, power imbalance, a sadist and masochist falling in love, and a lot of kinky sex. So if that's not your thing, this might not be the book for you!  As a general guide, this story contains general aspects of BDSM such as bondage and physical/verbal degradation, kinks from choking to knife play, and always consent.

Also, I do believe in sex with a plot so just a "heads up" the smut does not start until Chapter 5!

✥   p l e a s e    r e a d   ✥

This book is in 3rd person.
 It took me almost an entire year to finish Deviance. I cannot begin to describe the discouragement I get after pouring so much into this story, just to get constant judgement about my choice of POV. It's okay to not like 3rd person and to have preferences - but then don't read this book. I'm aware most of Wattpad is in 1st person, but I've always loved 3rd person. There are so many amazing books outside of Wattpad that are in 3rd person. Discrediting an author's choice of POV is not feedback. I've gotten some amazing comments with actual constructive criticism about pacing or plotholes, which I genuinely appreciate - so keep those coming!
In general, please be kind to authors on this site. Most of us write for free and don't have professional editors. We see your comments and we do have feelings, however thick our skin is.

Another thing.
I went to college in the U.S. so this book reflects the American college education system. I don't expect everyone to understand the finer details of this (AP classes, GPA, deans, Greek life, etc.) but I promise it is not critical to the plot!

Deviance | 18+ | ✓ | REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now