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"How was your walk?"

Marie's train of thought was interrupted as she passed her brother's room while heading to hers. She peeked in, seeing Rian sitting at his desk.

His room was covered with athletic trophies and textbooks - basically the complete opposite of Marie's. A straight-As students' haven.

Marie was solemnly grateful that at least her younger brother was adhering to their parent's dreams and wishes.

"Sorry I left you alone with mom and dad," Marie jokingly apologizes, flopping down on Rian's bed next to his desk.

Rian's tone shifted sarcastically. "Some mistakes can never be forgiven."

While the two siblings looked considerably different and had gotten into their fair share of fights, their sense of humor and wit were linked at the hip.

"What are you even working on?" Marie nosily grabbed a paper from Rian's desk before almost chucking it back at him. "Dude, this is calculus. They teach 12-year-olds derivatives now?"

"I'm 15 and in accelerated math," Rian shot back, grabbing the paper from his sister.

When Marie was that age she was busy watching raunchy TV shows behind her parents back and sneaking out of the house. She could still remember the scolding she got when her mother checked her internet history to find young Marie had searched up 'the vampire diaries sex scene compilations'.

"You gotta have some fun, Rian. You're not this young forever," Marie lectured, filling her older sister role. "I can teach you how to sneak out. The back door doesn't creak as bad as the front."

Rian rolled his eyes. "I know, Marie. I covered your ass so many times."

Marie laughed.

Silence fell over the two siblings as Marie leaned over to ruffle Rian's hair, who pulled back in haste. She still treated him like he was twelve and had no intentions of ever stopping.

Rian looked at Marie quizzically. "I remember Ma mentioned you went on a date on your birthday."

"Yeah, she wasn't too happy about that."

"Is it serious?"

Marie almost laughed. "Since when have you been interested in my relationship life?"

"I'm just wondering," Rian mumbled uneasily.

Thinking for a second, Marie responded truthfully. "It's... pretty serious."

"Does he treat you well?"

Marie paused. "Too well."

 ✥  ✥  ✥

Nostalgia hit Marie as she entered her childhood bedroom. It was around the same size at Rian's, with a twin bed in the corner and a plush rug covering the floor.

Most notably Marie noticed that the posters and photos she had hung up on her wall throughout her younger years still remained. She smiled soberly as she caught gaps in the decor where Marie's mother had taken down any she found inappropriate. That mostly consisted of bad words and shirtless Hollywood hunks.

Marie stripped out of her jeans and blouse, pulling over an oversized shirt to go to bed in. She hopped in the shower, brushed her teeth and washed her face - her usual routine. She sighed in relief as her period had come to at end. Birth control had been a saving grace for her otherwise week long cycles. 

Slipping into the covers of her bed, Marie felt memories wash over her. Some good like sleepovers and laughter, but some more darker like lonely nights and tears.

As she tossed and turned, Marie couldn't find her slumber. Her mind and thoughts were restless. She needed something - someone - to ground her temporarily.

She wanted to hear Nathaniel's voice.

Marie hadn't noticed herself grab her phone from her nightstand. Nathaniel's number was in her contacts; he had told her to keep it for emergencies or anything urgent.

Her finger hovered over the call button. This wasn't an emergency... but Marie just wanted to know he was there

If she had at some point pressed dial, Marie couldn't remember. She had brought the phone up into bed with her, laying it next to her head. Her eyelids were heavy as she looked longingly at Nathaniel's name...

The phone was dialed, Marie still wavering between being asleep and awake. She began losing hope as time passed with no answer, until finally the professor picked up.

Marie heard a door close and leaves rustle. He had stepped outside for her.

Fuck. It was Thanksgiving Day. Marie felt bad.

"Oh shit, I didn't think you'd - I'm sorry, you should be with your fam - ".


Nathaniel's tone was soft but stern - putting an immediate stop to Marie's overthinking. It was exactly what she needed.

"Don't be sorry. If anything this call was a Godsend."

The young student chucked sleepily. "Not good with kids, huh?"

"Oh no, the kids love me. Too much, actually. I need a break."

Marie smiled, imagining the intimidating professor letting his nieces and nephews take turns getting piggyback rides from their Uncle Nathaniel.

"Everything alright, Marie?"

Marie stayed silent for a moment before responding, listening to Nathaniel's breathing and the faint sound of crickets in the background. "I just like knowing you're there."

The two didn't say anything for a while. They didn't need to, feeling comfort in each other's presence despite only being on the other end of the line. It was enough to know that there was someone - someone who understood the other in an intimate way that went beyond physical or sexual acts.

While the submissive is often the one who holds the power of safeword and limits, a good dominant can read a situation for themselves. Often, they can throw in the red flag and call off a scene if they know their partner is pushing things too far. An S&M dynamic is more than a relationship - it's a connection and partnership.

Nathaniel could feel Marie's discomfort and dejection. He knew Marie hadn't looked forward to going home earlier, and he also knew that talking about her family was a hard limit she had mentioned before. The professor wasn't going to push anything but he had a sense of why Marie had called.

So, Nathaniel made a tentative offer. "Do you need me to pick you up, Marie?"

"Please." Marie's answer was immediate and clear as glass. "As soon as you can."

"I'll have my driver at your place at 8 AM tomorrow morning. Send me your location."

Marie smiled like a lovestruck victim of Cupid himself. There was her dominant. "Yes, sir."

"Sleep well, Marie."

With her mind now at peace, Marie drifted into slumber to the sound of Nathaniel's steady breathing.

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