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"I'm fucked."

Caleb's muttered words resonated with both Marie and Ashly, who were equally as exhausted. The three friends had camped out in a study room at their campus library for their upcoming psychology exam. The once orderly room was now in disarray, covered with last-minute flashcards and definitions scribbled on the whiteboard.

"I think we'll do fine," Ashly responded, attempting to remain optimistic. But Marie could tell she was still stressed.

All of Nathaniel's exams were cumulative - meaning anything covered in past units was fair game. Not only were you expected to regurgitate old topics, but also connect them to new ones.

Caleb sighed. "I swear to God, this man is a sadist."

Marie held her tongue and kept quiet. Oh, if only they knew.

"Wait, I got this one." Ashly took the opportunity to rehearse one of the many definitions the professor's students were expected to know "Sadism - the characterization of receiving gratification from inflicting psychological or physical pain on others. The term is derived from French philosopher Marquis de Sade and was removed as a personality disorder in the DSM-IV but it's classification as a psychosexual disorder remains controversial."

"And what framework do we use to analyze abnormal psychological disorders?" Caleb asked back.

"Deviance, distress, dysfunction, and danger," Marie answered back immediately.

"And what three personality traits comprise the 'Dark Triad' in the study of psychology?" Ashly continued on, testing the group further.

Caleb's hand shot up like it was the first day of school. "Narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy."

Ashly pushed her laptop screen closed and leaned back in her chair. "I don't know about you guys, but I think we're as prepared as we can be."

"I agree," Marie added. "We still have the weekend to study until Monday, too."

"Exactly - so who wants to hit the bars with me tonight?" Caleb offered to both Marie and Ashly.

"Sorry, buddy," Ashly apologized with a sly smile. "I have plans with Ana."

It took a second for both Marie and Caleb to realize who Ashly was referring to and the possible relationship status update.

"Hold on," Caleb questioned, straightening his posture in his chair as his attention focused on Ashly. "Is this the girl from your photography class?"

Marie couldn't help but smile at Ashly as she nodded, her cheeks now flushed as she tried to hide her giddiness.

"Okay but is this 'Ana from photography', or 'Ana my girlfriend' ?" Marie had to ask.

Ashly was a slightly shy mess but managed to respond. "As of a few nights ago - yes, she is my girlfriend."

Caleb gave Ashly an enthusiastic 'hell yeah' high-five which had her rolling her eyes, while Marie simply expressed to Ashly how happy she was for her.

And it was true - Marie couldn't have been happier for Ashly. And Caleb. The two of them were in open and loving relationship, their eyes lighting up whenever they thought of their partners. Something Marie wished she could experience...

Marie would be lying if she said that there wasn't the slightest tinge of sadness and jealousy within her. Her love had to remain a secret, behind a wall so guarded that even her best friends couldn't see inside.

With no other option, Marie kept everything to herself - a coping mechanism she wasn't all too unfamiliar with. But Marie didn't know how long she could maintain it before it broke her.

Deviance | 18+ | ✓ | REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now