chapter 3

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Were a good 6 months into our 4th class And Seán and I have became close.

"Seán!! Where are you? You little rascal!" I yelled out to Seán.

We were playing hide and seek in park that was near by my house. Seán came over to play for the afternoon. Neither of us really had other friends, I mean we did but none that we really hanged out with.

I looked everywhere for Seán but then I remembered the one place I hadn't looked. I walked over to the loo's and looked in the girls side but I didn't see him in there, I instead heard a giggle for the other side.

"Come on jack! I got you now!" I said opening the door to the boys side and found Seán hiding.

I called him jack because he reminds me of a character from my favorite cartoon and it suits him well, or at least I think it does.

"Fine! You got me are you happy now?" He asked
"No I'm not Seán.......i want ice cream!!" I yelled at him as I started running towards my house.

"Who ever gets back first gets to choose the ice Cream!" I said as we both were running to the house. "I'm gonna get there first!" He laughed.


I reached the house first with Seán trailing behind me by only a second. We went inside to ask my mammy for some money to go to the ice cream shop just a few blocks away. I yelled for her as I walked into the kitchen where she usually is.

"Hey! Guys, what are you up to?" She asked
My mum is the best! She works as 911 dispatcher. And my dad is the chief of police. They both work very hard to provide for us.

"Seá-(I started to say but Seán nudged me in shoulder, signaling to say "i") I was wondering if we can have some money to go get ice cream? Pretty please!!" I said

We both got down on our nees and pretended to beg with our hands while doing the puppy face. It almost always worked on her.

"All right.........listen, you guys go there and strait back. Understand?" She asked as she opened her wallet and gave us $15 dollars.

"Yay!! Thank you thank you!! We'll be careful I promise" I told her.
She smiled and returned to making dinner. We ran outside and hoped on our bikes, we started pedaling as fast as we could.

We arrived at the ice cream shop. It's a light purple color on the walls and small white wooden table and chairs.

"Hey guys! What can I get you today?" George asked
George was my cousin on my father's side. So he knew us pretty good.

"Seán, what do you want?" I asked

"I think.....hmm.....I'll take cookies and cream" he said

"Ooh good choice, I'll have mango! My favorite" I told George

"Okay, 1 double scope of cookies and cream and 1 double scope mango. That'll be 12.89" George told us

I handed him the money and he handed us our ice cream. We took our seats at one of the tables.

"So, Andy what do you want to be when you grow up?" Seán asked

"Hmm, I think I wanna be a paramedic like my ant Sara. Her job sounds so cool! What about you Seán?" I asked

"I don't know,  I content a regular job but I also don't know. Hopefully some day I will" he replied

"Yeah I think you will know when the time comes I promise!" I told him


《Andy's mom's POV》

Sometimes I wonder how long it'll be until they finally figure out their made for each other. I know their only 10 but I can it in their eyes already. It's the same look I give  my husband, Rhett. My love for him has never wavered.

"Moma! We're back" Andy yelled as they walked up the stairs to her room.

Seán spent most of his time here at our house. His family isn't the greatest, sometimes I wish I could be better at helping them but the only thing I can do is letting him be with us whenever he wants.

"Dinners ready!!! Andy! Seán! Rhett! Hurry while it's hot" I yelled so everyone  could hear me. They all came and sat down at the table. I had made pork roast with mashed spuds, green beans, carrots and Apple crumple for dessert.

"This looks great honey and it smells pretty good too" Rhett said

"Thanks dear, Rhett will say the blessing please?" I asked

"Sure thing" Rhett replied and said the meal blessing.

We eat dinner and told stories to each other, we laughed at some and wonder what they were thinking when they told some of them. This was what it was like every Friday night and it always felt great.

(Andy's POV)

"Hey Seán it's getting late so how about I take you home before your mother starts to wonder where you are. Okay?" My mum asked Seán

"Yeah that's fine, I'll get my stuff" Seán said as he got up and grabbed his stuff.
They walked out the door and got into the car and pulled away.

Me and my dad are going camping this weekend I wonder if Seán will want to come with us. 

- (tomorrow morning) -

My mum talked with Seán parents last night about coming camping with my dad and I. So we're stopping by his house to pick him up on our way there.

"Hey Mr Lynn, Andy hey!" Seán said as he got in the pick up.

"Hey jack! Ready for an adventure?" I asked him with excitement

"Yeah I'm ready! Of course I'm ready!" He said

And we left heading towards the camp grounds. After that weekend we went camping every year right after school gets out. It's something we look forward to every year, once we even got Seáns dad to come but we decided after that, that maybe he should come with us anymore.

                End of chapter 3

(Thanks to everyone who reads this!)

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