info Izuku-Chan [1]

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"I'm sorry. But your son... is quirkless.."

"Useless Deku!"





"Waste of space!"


"Attention freak!"

"We should have just gotten an abortion."

Hey. My name is Izuku Midoriya. However, I'm also known as the singer Virus.

I'm 14 years old, almost 15.

I'm quirkless.

Forced to be a singer.

Taken advantage of.



And I have no clue on how to cope with that shit! So I resort to drinking, smoking, and shit like that! Fun right!

Let's give you an idea of what I look like.

I'm average height at about 5'4. Which yes is average for my age. I have a green fluff on my head with matching green orbs. I have freckles on my cheeks. So I basically look like a squishy little baby. So convenient right?

Here is a picture that may help.

I know, I look adorable

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I know, I look adorable. Perfect and shit.

But I'm not super weak like others think. Maybe I think I am but my six pack will tell you otherwise. I work out. If I didn't, I would probably be dead by now. Not going to lie.

You see, this world is fucked up. Of course it is.

Let me explain further.

Remember the quirkless part? Yeah that's important. So, for the fact couple of generations or something, people had started showing these supernatural abilities we call quirks.

It's basically a super power which can vary from long fingers to fire breath. I however was thrown into this cruel world without one. God loves to fuck me over.

Instead, he made me look like a fucking cinnamon roll, and gave me the ability to sing. Totally makes up for it right? Hah. Fuck no.

Now, let's move on to my family. You ain't getting everything outta me. Just the important stuff.

So my dad is Hisashi Midoriya. For some reason, he went with my mother's maiden name instead of his. Weird. Anyways, his quirk is fire breath. Haha. Basically, he can breath fire. Pretty self explanatory.

He has black hair that isn't tamed at all which is probably where I get my stupid curls from. He has deep greenish blueish eyes. Nothing too big or abnormal about him. Except for how I have no clue who his family is. Or the fact that he beats the shit out of me if I don't preform well. That sucks for me.

My mom is Inko Midoriya. Her quirk is Attraction to Small Objects. Catchy right? She never really got a proper name but still. She can pull smaller objects towards her body. Cool I guess.

She is a short, medium sized woman with green hair, slightly dark than mine. She also has matching green eyes. Apparently this 'family' really digs that green vibe.

Anyways, she isn't as bad. But still bad. She is a tiny bit more reasonable. But she would still beat the shit out of me just because I pissed her off.

They are both short tempered so that's fun.

Anyways, we now go to the fact that I hate life. Wow such a stereotypical teenage thing to say.

But hear me out. Or not. You don't have to. Either way I'm saying it bitches!

My life is shit. Sure I get to be 'famous' with singing and shit but that's not what I want to do with my life. I've always wanted to be a hero. I wanted to be able to save others.

Yet that has proven to be very difficult with my lack of confidence, support, mental health, and a quirk! I however still want to be a hero!

I believe that I can. It's just going to be harder.

But did you know that 20% of the earth's population doesn't have any quirks. Although I'll bet a good 90-95% of that is the elderly. Oh well.

I don't know a single person that is quirkless. So. That's fun.

Us quirkless people need someone to represent us. Someone to make us feel like we belong.

Our suicide rate is so high due to bullying and abuse and more just because of something we can't control. I'm calling bullshit.

I want to be that person. I want to help prove to the world that being quirkless doesn't mean that we are worthless.

So I guess..

Welcome to my dumbass story!

This is my hero academia!

Word count:731

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