Drugging Minors is Illegal, Tony

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Peter's POV
The moment Nat had closed the door after bringing Peter to his room, he had passed out on his bed. Or, he had tried at least. It was too soft for a kid who had slept on concrete and dirt for their entire life. So he had taken the flattest pillow off of the bed and put it on top of the wooden desk by the window.

Peter climbed on top of the table and laid his head down onto the pillow and sighed in comfort. Everything had happened so quickly that he hadn't had time to adjust, so even something as small as sleeping in similar conditions as before made him feel a bit better.

The night before he had also made sure to leave the curtains open. He wasn't allowed them in his cell, and when he lived on the streets the sunrise woke him up. Peter needed familiarity, and this is all he could get.

So the next morning, Peter woke up to the sun in his eyes and hard wood pressing against his side. What he didn't understand was the voices coming from what he assumed was the doorway. He decided to stay quiet and pretend he was still asleep so he could listen and hear what kind of plans they had for him.

"Look at how cute he is! I want one, I'm going to Babies-R-Us after this to get one."

"Thor, how do you know what that store is first of all, second of all I think you misunderstand what the point of it is."

"Ok Pietro, if we're gonna keep him for just us you're gonna have to use your speed to your advantage and snatch him when no one is looking. If we can't get them all away I'll use a smoke bomb arrow to distract them while you take the kid."

"Got it. Operation Speedy Spidey is a go."

"Look at how adorable he looks when he's sleeping! I wish he could sleep all the time so he always looked that calm."

"I don't think that's possible, Tony. He's a kid, he's gonna be energetic."

"Have you never heard of a little thing called chloroform, Stevie? I could probably make a version that's nonlethal even after constant use."

"Drugging minors is illegal, Tony. We've had this talk before and I'm not using the PowerPoint again. I almost had an aneurysm last time and I'm not going through that again just because you're an idiot."

Yeah, Peter was fearing for his life. He really couldn't tell if those people were joking, mostly because he had never actually heard a joke before. Or heard the tone they were said in.

Once he thought about it, he had never been in any real social situation.

Oh god, he was gonna die.
Sorry this one was short, I got violently tired about halfway through and now I'm about to pass out. So, bye, my awkward little nerd buddies.

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