177 16 2

Madison;Wednesday 9:55 Pm
📍East Harlem, New York

"What happened ?" I asked Destiny as she walked out the kitchen

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"What happened ?" I asked Destiny as she walked out the kitchen.

"Nothing, she just wanted to talk to him" Destiny said and nodded at me.

Ohhh, she finally told him about her being pregnant ?

"Destiny,you like Desmond ?"I asked and she shook her head.

"No he not my type, he more of Teona type" she said and I nodded.

"I'm Rey ft her and tell her come on" I said and she shrugged.

I pulled my phone out and clicked on her number to FaceTime.

As it was ringing I saw it started to connect and slowly she answered but I couldn't see her face.

"Tee, we with Gio so we was wondering if you was coming out with us ?" I asked.

"Nah she ain't coming out, and stop calling this phone" some boy said and hung up.

Destiny was shocked and we got up and ran in the kitchen.

"Teona in trouble" I said making Nilani look up.

"What happened ?" She asked.

"I FaceTimed her and when it connected I asked if she was coming over here and some boy answered and said "she not coming outside and stop calling this phone" I didn't hear anything from her and I know for sure she ain't have a boyfriend and y'all if she getting abused I didn't know cause one time she came over my house with a black eye and she said she was playing outside and a ball hit her." I said and I started panicking.

Oh my god, I'm calling my Aunt Nova.

My Aunt Nova basically was a god mother to all my bestfriends.

As I pulled my phone out and clicked on the number I heard it ring.

As she answered, before she could say hello I started talking.

"Aunt Nova, can you come down and bring Tommy with you" I said.

"What happened ?" She asked.

"Teona in trouble and we need ya help." I said.

"We'll be there in thirty minutes" she said and hung up.

"She's on her way, we need to get to Teona house now." I said and they nodded.

As I walked back in the living room I seen all the boys standing up and putting guns on they hip.

"We gon follow
Y'all, and I hope you not talking about brown skin Teona ?" Desmond asked.

And I pulled out my phone to show him a picture, when I did he punched a whole in the wall.

"Fuck" he yelled and shook his head.

"How you know her ?" I asked and he pulled out his phone to show me something.

It was a picture of them at the arcade smiling.

"I used to take her on dates, last year and we would just go anywhere for real until one day she stopped talking to me and blocked my number. I didn't think of it until now" he said and shook his head.

"Wait your the one she would talk about and be happy about all the time ?" I asked looking confused.

So who the fuck is making her like this now ?

"Yeah we actually met before that, we wasn't cool like that though. I would t try to get her number and she would diss me all the time" he said shaking his head.

"Y'all, let's go we need to go tell her mama and brother." Nilani said.

After grabbing everything we had we left out the house and got in separate cars and as they said they followed me to her apartment building.

As I got out the car, I ran inside with Destiny behind me.

As we ran up the steps to floor D I knocked on her door and the door opened and I seen her mother.

"Hey girls what you doing here ? you know Teona ain't here." She said and we pushed her inside and shut the door and locked it.

"Teona is being abused and we need to know by who, she's with him right now and when we called her to come outside he answered the phone" I said and her mother face went pale.

"Jason, get one here right now" she screamed as she sat on the couch and tears came down her face.

"His name is Leo, I met him last year after she stopped talking to Desmond. She would walk around with sweats and glasses on all day. I wouldn't question it cause I thought it was normal you know. She would sit in the bathroom for hours until somebody would knock on the door to make sure she was okay." She said and that's when Jason walked in the living room.

"Man why are you crying ? And what they here for, Tee ain't here." He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"She's being abused by some boy and we need to know where he live at." I said and he looked me up and down and licked his lips.

"How you know ?" He asked and I pushed him.

"Stop being mad at me cause I called it quits, this ain't about me right now it's about your sister now it's either you tell me where he live at or you gonna take the blame if something happen to her." I said mugging him.

"He live in Bronx River houses, apartment D" he said and I backed up.

"That's where Darius live" I said as my face held shock.

Darius was this boy who stalked me a lot until I filed a restraining order against him.

I only know where he live because of my old friend Tameka.

She died in them apartments, I miss her sometimes.

"The Darius who stalked you ?" Destiny asked and I nodded.

"Thank you so much, we'll get your daughter back." I said and she nodded and we left out the door and ran downstairs.

"Why Jason keep trying to talk to you? What happened between y'all ?" She asked.

"He got somebody else pregnant, and wanted me to play step mom to his baby" I said and she was shocked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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