Chapter-1 His Arrival

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3rd Pov:

The room known as 2nd-year Class 3 was buzzing with excitement as they were having a transfer student.

"I hope it's a girl" Most boys commented as they fantasized about the new student.

"Well I hope it's a boy," Girls said as they huddled up and talked to each other for the standards of the new student.

'Good Grief, it's just a transfer student it shouldn't be this noisy,' Saiki thought as he heard all of the words and thoughts of everyone in the classroom.

"Settle down" the teacher called as she walked in the class with some books.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and sat in their chairs looking at the door to see the new classmate joining them.

"Come in," the teacher said as she looked at the door.

A guy came into the room.

Most of the boys looked upset, but that changed when they saw his face.

His dazzling pink hair swaying at the movement of his body.

His crystal clear blue eyes that looked kind yet sharp.

His small, moist, plump lips held a bright smile as he looked at his classmates.

'Look's innocent' Saiki thought looking at the male in
front of him.

"Wow he's so pretty, maybe as pretty as Teruhashi' students thought as they looked at the male.

"Not bad, but I'm still the prettiest person in the school, I'm a angel' someone thought as she looked over the male.

The male turned around and grabbed the chalk and wrote his name.

As he was writing many noticed his small, fragile, hourglass body.

The board read "Haru Ren"

Such a simple name, that belonged to a beauty.

'His name is simple, yet refreshing' people thought as they gawked at Haru.

"Hello, my name is Haru Ren I hope that I can be friends with everyone and have a good time. Please take care of me" Haru said as he did a 90 degrees bow and looked up with an eye-blinding smile.

While smiling he had sprouted wings that were white as snow and his aura looked warm and kind with flowers blooming in the background.

'Good grief, another one?' Saiki thought as he felt his head hurting.

"Sit next to Saiki," the teacher said pointing to a certain psychic.

Haru nods and sits in the seat to the right of Saiki still having wings.

'Well, he doesn't seem annoying, ' Saiki thought as he glanced at Haru.

Haru noticed this and smiled back at the glance of Saiki.
Saiki quickly looked back feeling weird since he could actually see Haru's facial features, and warmth.

It was unlike Teruhashi which was mildly faked, his aura was kind and real with no bad intent.

Though, a certain girl was kinda upset at the arrival of Haru.

'I'm way cuter, so why are they focused on him'

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

It was lunchtime when Haru followed his peers to the cafeteria, where he took out his bento.

A certain blue head found Haru sitting alone at the table for now, and decided to give him a visit.

Tap Tap

My Angel (Saiki x Male)Where stories live. Discover now