Chapter-4 Winter Wonderland

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3rd Pov:


A special holiday celebrated on the 25 of December. A time where families come together and exchange gifts and have fun.

It was the 25 of December where Saiki was walking into the class with a heart beating slowly.

Saiki took a seat and looked around to see a certain someone.

"Good Morning, and Happy Christmas" Haru shouted walking him.

Various voiced echoed through out the room. All greeting  Haru.

Haru looked to see Saiki looking directly at him. Haru came closer and pulled out a gift wrapped in paper.

"This is for you Saiki" Haru says as he gives Saiki his gift.

Saiki looks away from the gift, not intending to ruin the surprise.

"You don't like it?" Haru says sadly.

"No, I just want to see what's in there" Saiki replies monotone.

"Oh, I brought presents for everyone so please come here" Haru yells as he hold's a basket of presents.

The students came flooding in and took their own gift.

"This one is for Kaidou, oh and Takahashi, and finally Teruhashi" Haru said as he finished giving the gifts out.

"Oh, wow you memorized all our names" Nendou said as he looked at his present.

"Your names are unique, so It's easy to remember" Haru said as he sat on his seat.

'Wow, so nice' Students said as they observed.

"Haru really is a angel"

"Yeah, he's so pure"

'I hope they like the presents' Haru thought as he looked at the snow falling from the sky.

'Let's do it now' Saiki thought as he got up to go to Haru.

"Haru, my family is having a little Christmas party, would you like to come?" Saiki said as he felt a shiver of nervousness.

"Oh, sure" Haru said as he looked at Saiki's eyes.

They shared a moment of silence. A connection was felt between them.

The white snow falling compels with Haru's beauty making him look even more beautiful.

His eyes twinkle like the stars on a starry sky as he stares at Saiki.

"What time should I come?" Haru ask's while taking his notebook.

"Around 7:00" Saiki replies going back to his seat.

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~

The time was now 7:00 and Haru was in front of Saiki's house.(Saiki told Haru his address)

Haru presses the button and there was a silence until a woman came up.

"Oh, you must be Ku's friend." The woman said most likely to be Saiki's mother.

"Hello, I'm Haru Ren" Haru said as he stepped inside.

"Ku, your friend is here" Kurumi shouted.

After taking his shoes off, Haru was guided to the table.

Haru day on a chair and waited for Saiki. As Haru was waiting he saw many decorations around the house.

"Hello, Haru" Saiki said as he traveled to the Table.

"Domo, how are you?" Haru asked looking "Straight" at Saiki.

"I've been better" Saiki replied sitting down.

"Well I'm Ku's mom" Kurumi said as she sat down.

"I'm Saiki's friend" Haru said as he noticed a seat missing.

"Ho Ho Ho"

Haru looked to whet the noise came from and saw a man wearing a costume.(Santa)

"Oh wow, Santa Claus!" Haru exclaimed loudly as he looked at Kuniharu.

'He fell for the disguise?' Saiki thought as he felt confused.

"Tell me a wish, and I might let it happen" Santa (Kuniharu) says as he looks at Haru.

"I really want a bunny" Haru says as he looks desperately at Kuniharu. (Kuniharu is Saiki's dad)

"Oh, ok" Kuniharu says as he thinks of something.

"Oh, Saiki where's your dad?" Haru ask's as he looks at the chairs.

"He'll be here soon" Kurumi says as she takes Santa to another room.

"Ok" Haru says as he looks at all the food.

"Saiki do you have any other relatives?" Haru ask's as he takes out his phone.

"Well, I have a brother," Saiki says with a monotone voice.

"That's cool, I'm the only child," Haru says a little sad.

"This is Ku's dad," Kurumi says as she takes Kuniharu's hand and sits on the seat.

"Hello I'm Saiki's friend Haru Ren," Haru says as he does a little bow.

Both Kurumi and Kuniharu are astonished to see such a mannered and beautiful boy.

"Um hello?" Haru says as he noticed the both dozing off.

"Oh, yes so how close are you and Saiki" Kurumi ask's feeling a little giddy.

"Well, I think that we're pretty close?" Haru said as he looked at Saiki.

"Umm yeah?" Saiki replied a pink dust rising in his cheeks.

Kurumi and Kuniharu (Saiki's mom and dad) were feeling happy that Saiki had a close friend but there was something that felt a little unusual about them.

"Well how about we start eating and talk?" Kurumi says as she take's a spoon and scoops up some cake and places on Haru's plate.

"Oh, thank you" Haru says as he looks at the cake happily.

"Oh, what about your parents, did they let you come?" Kuniharu asks.

"Oh, my parents are overseas so I live alone for now" Haru replies while taking a bite from the cake.

"Wow, Ms. Saiki this taste's really good" Haru says as he scoops up more cake.

"Thank you" Kurumi says as she feels a blush forming in her cheeks.

"My, you are such a charmer" Kuniharu says.

"Oh, I am?" Haru stated blankly

"Yeah" Both Kurumi and Kuniharu said.

Christmas, a holiday where families celebrate by decorating and eating.

Also the Christmas where Kurumi found out her son was gay.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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