Chapter-3 The Sunset Is My Promise To You

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3rd Pov:

Haru walked into his classroom with a bright smile. He just heard that his class would be getting a new student.

"Good Morning," Haru says while walking to his seat.

"Good Morning Haru" various students say.

'I can't wait to meet the student' Haru thought as he got his notebook.

'Why so excited?' Saiki thought as he listened to Haru's thoughts.

"Did you hear about the new student?"

"I heard he's the son of the Saiko Company"

"Settle down now, you can come in" the teacher said.

A man with white let down a red carpet. In which a young man walked on, with money in his hands.

"This is Metori Saiko" the teacher said.

"I'm Metori Saiko. Don't even try to talk to me" Saiko said as he was flapping money.

The class froze, such a rude guy.

" Hey broke guy with weird lips, I'm taking your seat" Saiko said.

"Just because your rich don't act so high and mighty!"
Takashi said angrily.

"I'm not acting high and mighty, I am high and mighty" Saiko replied with a deadpanned look.

"You bastard, don't look done on me," Takashi said as he came closer to Takashi.

Saiko took some money and put it in Takashi's pocket.

Takashi stayed quiet after that.

"Wha, don't tell me he bought you!" students yelled.

"Of course not, Mr. Saiko and I had a talk" Takashi replied.

'Calling him mister now?' students thought.

'Good Grief, why so noisy' Saiki thought as he felt a headache coming.

"But why would a Saiko come to this school?" students said.

"I would not even take a step here but since she's here," Saiko said as he walked closer to Teruhashi.

"Kokomi Teruhashi, I saw you on the streets and did some research. I like you be my girl" Saiko said as he held Teruhashi's hands.

"EHHHHHH" students yelled.

Haru watched the whole thing feeling happy for Teruhashi.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~

It was lunchtime, and as always Haru made something for his friends. He also made sure to bring some coffee jelly for Saiki.

"Guys, I made you sushi, nigiri, oh, and some sweets," Haru said taking out boxes.

"You know you don't have to do this right," Kaidou said looking at the bento Haru gave him.

"But, your my friends and I enjoy cooking so why not," Haru said which a honey-coated chuckle.

Guess that chuckle caught the attention of Saiko because he was walking towards Haru.

Saiko stood in front of Haru. Haru looked back after giving each friend their lunch, oh, and Saiki his coffee jelly.

"Good Grief, why is he here?" Saiki thought while eating the coffee jelly.

"Oh hello, Saiko-San is there anything you need?" Haru said as he flashed a quick smile.

That smile felt different from others, it was warm and nice, not to mention that Haru looked more feminine than most of the girls. This scene was hard to look away from.

"What are you eating?" Saiko said as he felt an attraction to Haru.

"Oh, right now I'm eating sushi. And my name is Haru Ren" Haru said while grabbing a piece of sushi.

"Want one?" Haru asked while showing the sushi to Saiko.

"Emm, ok?" Saiko said as he grabbed the sushi and ate it.

As Saiko chewed he felt something he never felt before. The food had warmth in it like how a mom packs the lunch for their kids.

"Do you like it?" Haru ask's Saiko.

"Yeah" Saiko reply's as he feels nostalgic.

"I'm glad, make sure to eat a lot so you have energy for the day" Haru says, concern showing in his words.

"Ok" Saiko says feeling a sudden urge of happiness.

Saiki feels a pang in his heart. Oh what could it be?

"Oh, where's Teruhashi" Haru ask's looking around the cafeteria.

"I think she's in the girls bathroom" a student said.

"Let's go" Saiko said grabbing Haru's hand and leaving.

"Where are they going?" Nendou asks still eating.

'I guess i'll go to see what's happening' Saiki thought.

>With Saiko and Haru<

"Saiko-San where are we going?" Haru ask's feeling dragged.

"You'll see" Saiko says pushing a door open.

"Ehh, Saiko what are you doing here, this is the girls bathroom" Teruhashi says.

"Well, I thought about what I said and I'm taking back my word." Saiko says holding onto Haru.

"What are you talking taking about Saiko?" Teruhashi ask's.

"I don't like you, I prefer him" Saiko says holding his and Haru's hand up.

"Saiko-San what are we doing here, this is disrespectful" Haru says scolding Saiko.

"Ok, ok we'll go" Saiko says with a chuckle.

Saiki heart feels heavy seeing the scene in front of him(he's invisible) why didn't he and Haru hold hands.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

As the end of the day rolls around all Saiko did was bother Haru but Haru didn't mind.

"Hey, Haru what's something you want?" Saiko ask's curiously.

"I want to see a sunset with a person that I love" Haru replies with a warm smile.

"Ok, my promise to you is the sunset" Saiko says confidently.

"Ok, Saiko-San" Haru says while smiling.


Saiki can't get rid of the feeling inside his heart since today and he wondered who did it.

Maybe this is love.

'Nope, it's not love' Saiki thought as he got home.

"Oh, Ku its's almost Christmas, invite some friends" Kurumi said as she made dinner.

'I'll try' Saiki thought as only one person came to mind.

Can you guess who it might be?

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