Chapter-2 The Cherry Blossom's

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3rd POV:

Haru walked in the room with a pot that contained a plant. He walked to the teachers desk and put the plant there.

"Haru why are you placing a plant over there?" A glowing stick asks as she smiles at him.

"It's because the room gets stuffy, so this flower should emit peaceful odors" Haru says as he fixed the plant.

"You're so nice Haru" Teruhashi says as she feels annoyed.

'Why didn't I think of that' Teruhashi says as he curses herself in her mind.

'Yare Yare Daze, what's happening so early in the morning?' Saiki says while sitting down.

"Oh, good morning Saiki-Kun," Haru says as he looks at Saiki with a smile.

The sakura petals move through the open window and float above Haru. Making him look like an angel that came from heaven.

"Good Morning Haru," Saiki says as he takes another glance at Haru.

Haru nods and goes's near the window and watches the trees as waiting for their teacher.

Haru watched the trees move and found a butterfly. He took out his hand and the butterfly sat on it.

Haru quickly smiled and placed the butterfly on his hair.

Soon more butterflies came and warped themselves into Haru's hair making it look like a crown.

Haru's hair was covered in butterflies and petals dropping from the sky it was a sight to behold.


Saiki shivered as he felt the same feeling he felt yesterday.
He couldn't stop thinking about this feeling and he felt weird.

'Wow, even animals like him' Students thought as they looked at the butterflies flying around.

'Gosh, why am I l not liked by them?' Teruhashi says as she looks at Haru.

"Good Morning," Teruhashi says trying to get the attention.

"Morning Teruhashi" most students day, they're attention going to her.

'What's so good about attention' Saiki thought as he glanced at Haru sometimes.

"Settle down, it's time for class" The teacher yelled as she came inside the room.

The students quickly moved to their seats and Haru ruffled his hair slightly to get the butterflies away from his hair.

The butterflies moved around Haru and it looked like the butterflies didn't want leave but they still did.

Haru went to his seat and took out his notebook.

~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~

The class ended and now Haru was putting his things away so they could go to lunch.

Haru catches up with Saiki and his friends.

"Woah, Haru what's that big basket your holding?" Nendou asks as he looks at the basket in Haru's hand.

"Oh, it's a little gift for you guys since you treat me like a friend," Haru said as he looked at the three people in front of him.

'I hope they like it, I spent so much time on it' Haru thought as he looked down,

'Is he pulling a Teruhashi' Saiki thought as he looked at Haru.

" That so nice Buddy," Nendou said as they walked to a table and sat.

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