soft kisses....

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Katie busted into Thomas's room without warning,holding a bottle of vodka and a speaker for her to play music. It's been about two months since Thomas and Katie met and kissed,Thomas still liked Katie and Katie still liked Thomas but they never really talked about it but sometimes they have their moments. Thomas's walls had a bunch of Polaroids of Katie and him doing stupid stuff or just having fun,but most of the pictures on his walls were just Katie by herself doing something "cute" in his opinion,there is even one of her without a shirt or bra on smoking weed which he likes the most.

"hey loser!"Katie said excitedly as she ran over to Thomas's bed.

"hey dork"he said with a chuckle.

"look at what I snagged from my asshole of a dad"Thomas still didn't know about the situation with her dad he only knew that he was apparently a big douchbag.

"woah woah....are you sure we should drink that?"he asked.

"oh come on....we smoke weed a little...what's so wrong with vodka?"Katie asked,crawling on the bed and getting closer to Thomas. His breath hitched as he inhaled her beautiful scent.

"yeah but we only did that once...this is like...dangerous"he said nervously.

"fine...i'll do it by myself....pussy.."she whispered that last part but he heard her say it.

"what'd you say?"he asked as she got off the bed and started connecting her speaker to her phone.

"nothing."she said in an annoyed tone still looking down at her phone,she finally played a song (that one up der^).

Thomas got off the bed and grabbed the bottle from her hands,he opened it up still looking Katie dead in her eyes,he was about to drink it but Katie quickly grabbed his wrist.

"wait...don't do it"Katie said with sincerity in her voice.

"why shouldn't I if i'm a 'pussy'"he said,snatching his wrist out of her grasp.

"listen...i'm sorry for being an're right its dangerous...lets just do it when we're older...ya know?"she said softly,gently taking the bottle from his pale hands.

"promise?"he asked,holding up two fingers. They had a specific way to make promises.

"promise.."she said with a smile. She tapped her two fingers with his,gently tapping the back of his fingers then the inside and him doing the same. A different song came on and it was Katie's favorite,she looked at Thomas and smiled as they both knew what was about to happen. Katie started dancing and jumping up and down,her hair getting in her face making her close her eyes it was like time slowed down for Thomas while watching her dance...Thomas could watch her dance forever and never get tired of it.

"you just gonna stand there and stare pretty boy?"she asked,still dancing but now laughing and getting closer to him,he blushed at the name and started dancing with her. Thomas closed his eyes and let the world around him disappear,the only thing he was focused on now was the music he didn't even notice that Katie stopped dancing and was now staring at him. She grabbed his hand and pulled him closer making him open his eyes and stop dancing.

"what's wrong?"he asked,looking down at her with worry.

"nothing.."she whispered with a soft smile. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Katie kissed him quickly but softly,his lips were soft and tasted like a blueberry slushie,he must have had one earlier. She pulled away from the kiss and plopped down on his bed.

"w-what was that for?"he asked in shock,plopping down next to her.

"nothing...i just like your soft kisses..."she replied,laying her head on his chest and making small circles on his chest with her finger.

" cool.."he didn't know what to say,he wanted to ask if she wanted to be his girlfriend or if she at least liked him the way he liked her but he knew she would just change the subject.

"do you like my soft kisses tommy?"she whispered but loud enough for him to hear.

"i love them...."he replied as he started playing with her long brown hair.

"can I tell you something?"she asked,looking up at him with innocent and pure eyes which made him melt.

"yes of course.."he said sitting up making her do the same.

"i-im a v-virgin.."she stuttered. He just looked at her in shock...he knew this was a big thing for her since she never stutters and maybe that's the reason she didn't want to take his virginity that night....because she wasn't ready.

"t-there is nothing wrong with that..."he said scooting closer to her.

"w-well...i-i'm ready...for it to...ya taken.."she looked up at him with those same innocent puppy dog eyes again that were also filled with lust and love.

"b-by w-who?"Thomas was a stuttering mess.

"y-you..."she muttered but Thomas heard he was even more shocked but happy and scared a bit.

"but what if....what if I hurt you which I don't wanna do...and what if I push you to far....I d-don't wanna-"Katie cut him off.

"just teach me.....and i'll teach you..."she said,putting her hand on his thigh.

"o-ok"he replied with a gulp.

~To Be Continued~

A/N i'm actually proud of dis chapter.

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